Monday, September 30

Former partner of Christian Chávez wants to put the RBD member in jail

The problems do not stop making the former member of RBD , Christian Chávez , who is still in a lawsuit with his former partner, Maico Kemper , who, in the words of his lawyer, confirmed that the problems still continue for the actor of the famous novel “Rebelde”, after he denounced the actor before the authorities for the crime of equal family violence in May 2020.

The lawyer pointed out in an interview for the program TODAY, that the folder is more alive than ever, since they have provided new information with psychological aspects where they commented;

Later, the legal defense of the ex-partner of Christian Chávez assured that he will not stop until he achieves his mission where he assured that they will not stop until justice is done in favor of the Mail.

“That the process be linked to the counterpart, in this case to Christian and consequently, if necessary, to go to trial and request together with the prosecution that a penalty be applied and also that the damage to Maico Kemper be fully repaired ” , said the lawyer.

Finally, the lawyer stated that justice will soon carry out its work with the interpreter of “Rebelde” , who pointed out that, if the prosecution considers that there is a risk of abduction from justice by Christian, it will be able to request an arrest warrant

“We are right at that point, on that bridge between the prosecutor’s office and the Judicial Power of Mexico City” , reiterated and sentenced the lawyer.


Through his Instagram stories, the actor decided to share what his secret is to maintain a statuesque figure, which he has decided to show off in different publications, which is why he has earned the admiration and compliments of his almost three million followers. In the stories, the singer not only mentioned his routine, but also decided to tag his personal trainer and the place where he performs his physical activity.

As narrated by Christian Chávez, his routine consists of six series of 10 repetitions of open chin-up, 15 reps of supine pull-up, 2D of supine row, 8 reps of T-row, 13 repetitions of rope row, double dumbbell row failure 3.2.3, 12 deadlift reps and 10 reps of Superman. And it is evident that the actor must work constantly to maintain his toned body.