Friday, September 20

Child Tax Credit: Democrats bid for program to last until 2025

Estudios académicos aseguran que la pobreza se ha reducido desde que se liberó el primer pago del crédito fiscal.
Academic studies assure that poverty has been reduced since the first payment of the tax credit was released.

Photo: John Moore / Getty Images

Since the checks of the Tax Credit for Children began to be distributed, in July , have benefited 60 millions of minors throughout the country on a monthly basis. According to the schedule of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), as of today the third payment of the credit will be released.

Based on the fact Since there are three more rounds to be distributed, the millions of minors and their families who have benefited from this tax credit have a guarantee that they will not suffer hardships, at least until December of this year, the expiration date of the distribution for this year.

The positive impact that the Child Tax Credit has brought with me has had an impact on the parliamentary group of Democrats in Congress seeking this tax benefit extends to 2021 , since they have considered it as an instrument that combats poverty and therefore an extension of it is proposed.

This statement by the ruling party makes sense after The Center for Poverty and Social Policy of Columbia University announced that after the first payment was released, child poverty was reduced by 25%. The tax credit has the potential to reduce monthly child poverty by up to 40%.

Although Proving that the Child Tax Credit can be an effective method to combat poverty, Democrats will face a legislative battle with Republicans to guarantee the extension of the tax benefit to US families who have the least.

So far, the Democratic parliamentary group has not released the proposed law that they intend to push to extend the validity of the Child Tax Credit, nor how it will be supported. In addition, it is not known if the bill will be presented at this session.

At the time the Proposal will be seen if the entire bench will support the law, since there are Democrats who do not see entirely well that the program continues, such is the case of Senator Joe Manchin, who openly expressed that want eligibility restrictions in place.

Before the CNN cameras, Manchin said about it “there are no job requirements of any kind; there are no education requirements at all to improve the skill set. Don’t you think that if we want to help children, people should make an effort? ”

You may also be interested in: Child Tax Credit : the third payment arrives and there is a mobile application in Spanish to request the support