Sunday, September 29

Biden EV Tax Credit Reform: Complaints from Toyota, Honda and Tesla

El crédito fiscal para la compra de vehículos eléctricos podría solo favorecer a los trabajadores sindicalizados del sector automotriz en Estados Unidos.
The tax credit for the purchase of electric vehicles could only favor unionized workers in the automotive sector in USA.

Photo: Karolina Grabowska / Pexels

Tesla, Rivian and all foreign manufacturers in the sector Automotive could end up hurt with the new reform proposed for the tax credit aimed at the purchase of electric vehicles in the United States . This benefit, created to favor the profound energy transformation that is taking place in the country, has undergone several changes while it is being discussed, according to reports Road & Track , but the most controversial is the new limitation that only considers increasing this incentive for those cases where the buyer decides on vehicles created in the United States, as long as the manufacturer is unionized.

In this sense, the other manufacturers of the sector that lack this type of labor structure would receive much less than some companies such as Ford , which not only has this type of structure but already has a good offer of electric vehicles, including the F – 150 Lightning, a pickup fully electric qu e is already postulated as the favorite of Americans, continuing the legend of its internal combustion ancestors . As expected, several of the affected manufacturers expressed their rejection of this measure promoted by the Democrats of the United States House of Representatives, including Toyota, which, according to Reuters , stated in a statement that this new plan discriminates against “American auto workers based on their decision not to unionize.” .

Reuters also includes comments from Honda, another of the companies in the sector that would benefit very little from this new proposal. According to the statement from this company , the new measure “discriminates between electric vehicles manufactured by US auto workers. who work hard based simply on whether they belong to a union Honda’s manufacturing associates in Alabama, Indiana and Ohio who will build our electric vehicles deserve fair and equitable treatment from Congress. ”

From Approval of this new project, which is being defined this week, only three manufacturers in the United States, specifically in Detroit, will be eligible to enjoy the benefit that now amounts to $ 12, 500 per vehicle: General Motors, Ford and Stellantis . The total is derived from two additional credits, one of $ 500 for using batteries manufactured in the country and another of $ 4, 500 for being companies with unionized labor. The rest of the manufacturers, would only receive the base credit that from the beginning had been set at $ 7, 500.

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