Sunday, September 22

Woman is saved from being kidnapped, allegedly by relatives, in central California county

Los alguaciles de Madera intervinieron para poder arrestar a los sospechosos.
The officers of Madera intervened to arrest the suspects.

Photo: FREDERIC J. BROWN / AFP / Getty Images

Three people were arrested on suspicion of trying to kidnap a woman, presumably a relative , Saturday night in Madera County, central California.

The local Sheriff’s Office reported that At 7 pm on Saturday, witnesses saw suspects attempting to force a woman from 21 years get into a car in front of a house on the block 28000 of Arizona Avenue, in the city of Madera.

The intervention of some people who were nearby to help the woman forced the suspects to flee .

When a bailiff arrived at the scene, he learned that minutes before they had tried to kidnap the woman.

Three people are in custody in Madera Count and for allegedly trying to abduct a woman.

– ABC 30 Fresno (@ABC 39) September 6, 2021

Early police investigations indicated that the possible kidnappers were relatives of the woman , so they looked for Hispanics Antonio González Martínez, from 62 years; Elías González Juárez, of 39 years; and Mayda López Santiago, of 28 years.

The three identified as alleged kidnappers were located at their residence in Madera, where they were arrested and transferred to the county jail .

Each of the three suspects was booked and charged with felony attempted kidnapping and conspiracy .

It may interest you:

· Video: They are looking for a man who tried to kidnap a girl in Riverside

· Video: They look for another woman who tried to kidnap a child in the same area of ​​Los Angeles

· This is the portrait of the man who tried to kidnap a girl in front of his primary school