Sunday, September 29

VIDEO: Historic rains in Mexico leave more than a dozen deaths and severe damages

Lluvias intensas en México deja varios muertos y severas inundaciones.
Intense rains in Mexico leave several deaths and severe floods.

Photo: ULISES RUIZ / AFP / Getty Images

The States of Mexico, Hidalgo, Jalisco, Oaxaca and Sinaloa, among others, were severely affected by heavy rains that fell since Monday night and early Tuesday morning in Mexico .

“It is raining a lot, yesterday we had floods in many states of the country. This is the month that rains the most in Mexico and that is why they are suffering from floods, that is why we are vigilant. Today we will be helping, supporting all the families, “said the President of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador .

The medical staff of the IMSS hospital in Tula launches an SOS due to the level of damage. # NowMore with @ UrielEstradaTV

– Now More (@ahoramasoficial ) September 7, 2021

In Tula, in the State de Hidalgo, the intense rain caused the flooding of the Regional Hospital Zone 5 of the Mexican Institute of Social Security, where until the moment are reported 17 dead patients.

They were 16 it s dead left by the flood at the General Hospital No. 5, in Tula # Hidalgo , as confirmed by government authorities

After the overflow of the Tula River, they would also be, 36 one thousand people affected in nine colonies.

– DK 1200 (@dk 1250) September 7, 2021

This is the panorama of the IMSS Hospital in Tula de Allende after the overflow of the river that keeps the city under water. Hundreds of homes affected, hospital completely flooded on its first floor, cars under water. And national media report at least 10 dead

– Martín Hernandez (@newshidalgo) September 7, 2021

Unfortunately the rains in Hidalgo are causing a lot of damage, there is a serious flood situation in the Tula region , civil protection is already acting, everything that has to do with the DNIII Plan to support the population is being implemented “, informed the president of Mexico Andrés Manuel López Obrador in your morning lecture.

The rains yesterday in Hidalgo they caused the Tula river to overflow, flooding the GZ No.5 Hospital of the IMSS; causing the death of 16 patients (the rest are being evacuated). The DNIII plan was applied. There are more than a thousand elements to serve the affected population.

– Government of Mexico (@GobiernoMX) September 7, 2021

# MisiónECO | 📍 # Tula , # Hidalgo

Work continues for part of @ SEDENAmx , @ GN_MEXICO_ , @ CNPC_MX , @ cruzrojadelhgo , @ conagua_mx , @I environment_H and @ SeGobHidalgo , in the # Hospital General Zone No . 5 of @ Tu_IMSS , where support is provided for the transfer of patients. pic.twitter .com / MAzzA6fPIY

– Mexico Civil Protection (@CNPC_MX) September 7, 2021

According to Civil Protection authorities and the Mexican Social Security Institute, the patients died after that the Tula River overflowed causing flash flooding up to 5 meters high from the hospital.

Yes, This is how they are taking the babies into incubators at the IMSS hospital in Tula. Citizens, neighbors, with what there is, with what can 👇

– Vicente Gálvez (@Vicente_Galvez) September 7, 2021

In Ecatepec, State of Mexico, two people lost their lives and several colonies were affected by the historic waterfall that reached more than two meters in height. Neighbors of the place managed to rescue a baby trapped in a vehicle.

Neighbors of Ecatepec rescued a baby who was in a position washed away by the current, after the floods on Monday.

Video: @ rcastillop . 051

– Network Noise (@RuidoEnLaRed) September 7, 2021

The Ecatepec Civil Protection coordination indicated that a young woman from 17 years and a man of 73, lost their lives. The first after a lightning strike from the storm caused an electric shock, while the second died after being ar carried away by the current.

Thus they saved a baby who was trapped in the # floods from # Ecatepec . Strong water currents and waterfalls paralyzed the streets after heavy rains in neighborhoods such as # HankGonzález , # Tulpetlac , # CiudadAzteca and #San Cristobal:

– Ciro Gómez Leyva ( @CiroGomezL) September 7, 2021

🌊🌧 In Ecatepec: with # brunette “the best is yet to come”, Aha, here The sample! Flood problems will continue if there is no real political will to fix things. Those most affected, the poor of # Ecatepec .

# Edomex #Mexico # MorenaNoSabeGoobernar #Viral

– César Rodríguez Chimalhuacán (@CescRodriguezCh) September 7, 2021

🔴Floods around the world continue: Massive rains caused severe flooding , especially in the city of Ecatepec de Morelos, (Mexico or).

– Michel D Notre Dame🧙‍♂️ (@NOSTRAD 2050) September 7, 2021

In Zapopan Jalisco, a house collapsed due to the water current that devastated everything in its path, while in Sinaloa, several colonies of the entity were affected.

In Zapopan , # Jalisco , the floods do not give truce. This weekend the Seco stream overflowed.

– Azteca Noticias (@AztecaNoticias) September 7, 2021

The emergency due to the accumulation of water in streets and avenues t It was also observed in the States of Sinaloa and Oaxaca where people tried to rescue their belongings.

Downpour and flooding in Oaxaca pic.twitter .com / yLlEtT3xz3

– Carlos canto (@Carlosc 97844522 ) September 7, 2021

Plaza bella floods in Oaxaca

– Carlos canto (@Carlosc 97844522) September 7, 2021

Via @ olivanoticias :

“El Quelite” vehicle bridge collapses after rains and floods by the passage of # Nora . Circulation closure between km 57 to the 136 highway # Mazatlán # Culiacán # Sinaloa K6pygu

– Webcams de México (@webcamsdemexico) September 2, 2021

According to the National Meteorological Service (SMN) the heavy rains will continue in the next few hours in Mexico City, State of Mexico, Durango, Guanajuato, Hidalgo, Morelos, Querétaro, Sinaloa, Sonora and Tlaxcala.

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