Sunday, September 29

The astrology of gender: why women and men of the same sign are different

El concepto del género influye en los signos zodiacales.
The concept of gender influences the zodiacal signs.

Photo: Magda Ehlers / Pexels

Zodiac signs influence men and women differently , Well, in astrology gender also determines how personality, character and way of feeling are projected.

If you have noticed that, for example, in front of a same stimulus a Cancer woman reacts differently to a Cancer man is because the impact of the sun sign varies according to the sex of the person.

Each of us has more than one sign zodiacal. In the natal chart (the map of the sky at birth) there are other aspects that astrologers analyze to describe people’s astral traits.

The position of the Sun determines the sun sign , which is the most common and the one we all consult in the horoscope. This represents the identity, but it is not the only one. The moon sign , where the Moon was at birth , influences how we feel, the way we channel our emotions and the “inner self”.

Also, there is the ascendant , which is the sign that rises on the horizon at birth. This is the one that reflects the appearance, the personal style and the “I” that we show to the world.

As a whole, the sun, lunar and ascendant sign in astrology are called “the big three” because they reflect the general aspects of personality, but there are others such as the sign of Mercury, which describes the way you communicate and how you think, or the sign of Venus, which governs the way you love.

That said, astrologers explain that women tend to look more like their moon sign than their solar sign . The Sun is a masculine symbol and the Moon is a feminine symbol, so a woman who looks only at her sun sign is seeing her masculine features.

Women and men should analyze their masculine (sun sign) and feminine (moon sign) appearance to see how they nourish and complement each other , explained in an article citing astrologer Francesca Oddie.

Thus, a woman who has her Moon in Taurus will be similar in character to a man who has his Sun sign in Taurus, or an Aquarius woman may feel a connection to a man with his Moon sign in Aquarius.

However, he said that the zodiac signs can also be divided into male and female . The former are more outgoing and physical, while the latter are introverted and emotional.

Leo, Sagittarius and Aries, fire signs, as well as Gemini, Libra and Aquarius, of air, are masculine. Pisces, Scorpio and Cancer, water signs, and earth signs, Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn are feminine in nature.

You may be interested in : Know the modalities of the signs and how they influence your personality