Monday, September 23

Pfizer: booster shots due September 20

Hace unos días los reguladores sanitarios autorizaron la aplicación de la vacuna Pfizer para los mayores de 16 años.
A few days ago, health regulators authorized the application of the Pfizer vaccine for those over 16 years.

Photo: ANGELA WEISS / AFP / Getty Images

Anthony Fauci, White House health adviser, announced that it is likely that in a few days the booster doses of the Covid vaccine will begin to be distributed – 19 from Pfizer. Apparently, this will occur during the week of 20 September . In contrast, the launch of Moderna’s vaccine could be delayed, as it must be approved by the country’s health regulators.

Some weeks ago it was reported that the government led by Joe Biden has announced plans to offer a third dose to people who were immunized with Pfizer and Moderna, pending approval from public health officials. So far it is known that an additional injection is recommended at eight months after the second dose.

Fauci told CBS that to make it a reality the application of a third booster vaccine must obtain approval from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in time for its release the week of 20 of September.

One of the limitations that can be presented for the third round of vaccination has to do with the fact that people who were immunized with Moderna may have to wait while the company waits for regulators to approve the dose .

In another interview, Dr. Fauci informed CNN that for people who received two doses of Moderna vaccine, they must be patient and wait to receive it, since he considered it to be It is important that they maintain the same inoculation schedule, so he does not recommend that Americans who have applied Moderna not get vaccinated with Pfizer. In addition, the doctor pointed out that the United States plans to publish data in the coming weeks on the mixture of vaccines from different manufacturers .

So far, the US authorities have stated that approximately 66 millions of people have been fully vaccinated with the Moderna vaccine. Meanwhile, about . Regulators have not announced plans for a J&J booster.

Regulatory issues aside, the message of a third round of vaccination is a a good sign taking into account that the Delta variant is expanding throughout the country, a situation that has alerted the population, but also the entire US production chain , which in recent weeks has had to battle with the distrust that consumers have had for the new strain of the virus.

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