Friday, September 20

Miami doctor refuses to treat unvaccinated patients

Controversy in South Florida after a doctor refused to treat unvaccinated patients. Linda Marraccini, a primary care physician with a practice in South Miami, chided patients for their “lack of altruism” in a letter stating that the unvaccinated pose too high a risk to her staff.

“This is a public health emergency”, she expressed in the letter while underlining that the “health of the group has priority over the rights of any individual in this situation. ”

Florida doctor will refuse to treat unvaccinated patients

– New York Post (@nypost) September 6, 2021

“There seems to be a lack of self-denial and concern about the burden on the health and well-being of our society,” he added. The woman defended herself saying that the ban on treating the unvaccinated was due to the approval of the Pfizer vaccine by the FDA . As of 15 September, all those who have not been vaccinated with at least one doses cannot be taken care of in that consultation, although exceptions may be made.

“If any of our patients has a valid medical reason for not receiving the vaccine before 15 September, let us know ”, he wrote.

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Patients will have a month to find another provider health if they wish. However, the clinic will continue to serve virtually all those who are not vaccinated .

The truth is that Florida is experiencing a large increase in the delta variant, which is much more infectious and deadly. This represents an overload to the hospital system since, according to the latest data, the state of Florida registered 129, 240 new cases and 433 new deaths.

Marraccini emphasizes that he is not breaking his oath Hippocratic, an ancient oath of ethics made by physicians that obligates physicians to treat all patients to the best of their ability.

“It’s not fair for people who are unvaccinated to harm other people,” Dr. Linda Marraccini told Newsweek.

– Newsweek (@Newsweek) September 4, 2021

In statements to the newspaper Newsweek said that you have to consider your other patients who are immunosuppressed or have other medical conditions that may make the virus more deadly.

“The Hippocratic Oath is very science-based. I am following science. I am applying this for the benefit of the sick, ”he argued.

Under the Civil Rights Act, doctors cannot deny treatment based on age, sex, race, sexual orientation, religion, or national origin of a patient , but it is unclear whether a doctor can refuse to treat a patient above vaccination status.

According to the Code of Medical Ethics of the American Medical Association, physicians are obligated to treat emergencies, but otherwise “ are not ethically obligated to accept all possible patients in certain limited circumstances “.