Monday, September 30

Laura Flores and Gabriel Porras face fears in 'Así se Baila' and react to Gregorio Pernía's decision

Laura Flores and Gabriel Porras will be one of the 10 couples who, from this Sunday 12 of September, they will participate in the new reality of Telemundo, ‘Así Se Baila’ . They, whom we know as established artists, will face everything they hide behind the performance: their fears, limits and vulnerability .

A few days after debuting on the dance floor, we spoke exclusively with the actors, who, in addition to ensuring that everything hurts, tell how they are facing leaving their ‘comfort zone’ . And they do not avoid him to answer about the decision of Gregorio Pernía, one of his colleagues, not to get vaccinated against COVID – 19 , especially Laura Flores who just left disease .

It’s like throwing yourself out of a plane with or without a parachute. parachute. A vaccine will help you save your life “, says the actress and singer.

– Who invited whom?

Laura Flores: Telemundo really invited us… Telemundo makes the invitation, then they tell me: “Go with your husband to dance” … And I said: “No, no, no, my husband is American, he is from Ohio. He likes country and American music, he has two left feet that is, it is a failure to announce it, it is ‘the chronicle of an announced death’, as García Marquez would say “…, I always wanted to work with Gabriel , from the corridors we would see each other and I would say: “What a talented and beautiful man!”, And he knows it.

Gabriel Porras: And they called me and said: “ Hey, there’s a dance program, you couple, the person who recommends you is Laura Flores, you have to dance with her “… With her I go wherever they want, is an extremely talented woman , highly disciplined, I was dying, she was a star in my country when I aspired to be, and it was like reaching a star in this case.

Laura Flores: Now you don’t have to reach it, you have to charge it.

Gabriel Porras: Now comes the most difficult part.

– They meet, but facing a very big challenge, it is not acting, it is dancing …

Gabriel Porras: You don’t have a slight idea, we didn’t have it , we didn’t know what we got into . We began to realize it when we got to the first rehearsals, because before they were trying out costumes and we were confident … The second rehearsal, the feet on ice , the swollen knees, the brain congested with so much information …

Laura Flores: Of course, in fact I had to Seeing the orthopedist , I have called him urgent because I have a replacement of the cruciate ligament, they started to hurt … Anyway, we are exposing ourselves to new things and many adversities … I think the beauty of all this is that, to begin with, it happens to everyone, also to the young people who are in the competition, because we are the oldest, but this thing that hurts something , and that you can solve it or overcome that fear or overcome that physical limitation and move on, I think it can be something very good , very fresh for the audience, so they can see That if you can.

– Although it has not started yet, they have been rehearsing for many days What did you discover of you?

Laura Flores : I discover Gabriel’s discipline, we have a lot of chemistry, we identify ourselves, we look at each other a lot , we respect each other a lot, and we kind of very clear here and now when we are working.

Gabriel Porras: We are of the same generation, we have very similar, I have really discovered a person dedicated to what he does, and despite the difficulties and that sometimes we both despair, because in these trials anyone can despair and the other is always there to calm down , a smirk: “relax, I’m over, nothing has happened, we’ll be fine” … Then that too, I think, has been giving a greater closeness to the friendship that already existed.

– You are recognized artists, that one is expected in large projects, and they have a certain comfort zone.What made them risk a reality format?

Gabriel Porras: The challenge… A human being who is always looking to improve himself in any area of ​​life, will always be a person with an illusion and with a goal and with a goal to keep moving forward in life. We firmly believe that this life is very long and can be lived very well , if you take care of yourself, if you eat well, if you exercise, as in this case, then we are also part of that.

Laura Flores: At the end of the day we have solid careers, we already have an image, they give us a script to make a soap opera or a play … Now that I’m singing and composing, we can do this because it is part of our training. But leaving that comfort zone and entering something that is a challenge … I have always said that when a person stops learning, that day is the beginning of the end , and I believe that the fact of reinventing ourselves and entering new challenges and things that cost us work, is what keeps you fresh, alive, healthy.

– Apart from discipline and professionalism, artists work a lot with vulnerability, this time that will be exposed to all of us. What do you think is going to happen?

Gabriel Porras: I don’t know … The other day, for example, we had a rehearsal that was too heavy, and I told our teacher and Laura: I got to my car and I started screaming and saying : “My God, will I be able to do it?” … That’s part of what reality is looking for, to see you vulnerable, to see you break from time to time , then if it happens, because that day they helped me a lot p To not break there, but it does happen because it would let me go, p or because it is finally part of the business and sometimes it feels like pressure, stress, of wanting accomplish things as efficiently as possible.

Laura Flores: It’s not easy, a reality show It is quite difficult , at first I did not value the context of a reality show, I have been in two others, and despite the fact that one believes to have the ability to maintain control, because we are artists, because we know behave, we know how to handle a fourth wall and give an image to people, in a reality show many things can happen, it is the context … T he let your emotions flow is okay, and at the end of the day, people are waiting for him. We are here with all the truth, with all due respect, we are not pretending, I believe that none of the participants, because we are killing ourselves to learn our choreographies and we want to do the best role … If at any given moment we break down emotionally, that’s okay, it has happened to everyone when something doesn’t work out for you.

– Laura, how are you health? … It must not have been easy when you got a test that says: ‘COVID positive’.

Laura Flores: This on behalf of all the people who have gotten sick, we understand each other, because the most important and the hardest thing is to deal with fear , because maybe you don’t feel so bad, but We all know that the COVID out there in two days sends you to a hospital, and there it sends you to the grave, that’s the way it is … Now that you ask, I dare to tell people to get vaccinated . I’m going to give you an example: is like throwing you out of a plane with or without a parachute . A vaccine is going to help save your life, even though it was difficult, and Gabriel actually started rehearsing alone, because I was still in quarantine.

– You talk about the importance of getting vaccinated, within the group is Gregorio Pernía, who decided not to get vaccinated because he says it is a conspiracy. How do you guys take it?

Gabriel Porras: I love Gregorio very much, I admire him very much as an actor, he seems to me a tremendous actor and an impeccable human being and I respect his decision … I do not live with that fear, it is a personal matter, I understand the importance of this disease, well the difficulty of this disease, but I also respect every decision. I know that institutionally it is very frowned upon, the doctors are saying that the vaccine is much more effective , than not doing it, but yes I leave it to the conscience of each one, I cannot force anything to anyone , n or will he stop being my friend for that, I will not stop loving him, I’m not going to stop hugging him , so I hope nothing happens, but I have to respect the rights of others.

Laura Flores: At the end of the day I do not want this to become, socially speaking, that is known to be happening, that those who do not get vaccinated against those who do get vaccinated , I do not think there should be this type of attack, it does not lead us to anything as a society … I defend the vaccine, especially because I have already experienced it, on my skin, and I think it can help you . If I recommend it, it is because what did me good, it can be beneficial for others, but also, as Gabriel says, I respect Gregorio’s decision , as I respect that of thousands of people who have decided not to get vaccinated. In fact, when I took my children to get vaccinated, even though they are minors, I told them: “Do you want to get vaccinated?” … At the end of the day they are too young to make such a decision, but I gave them these options , because I honestly knew what they were going to tell me.



Laura Flores reveals details of her health after testing positive for COVID – 19: “It is useful to be vaccinated”

Controversy in ‘Así se Baila’: Gregorio Pernía decided not to get vaccinated against COVID – 19

David Chocarro and Carolina Laursen confess why dance is making them fall in love again