Sunday, September 29

Joe Biden Assesses New Jersey Flood Damage, Reiterates Climate Crisis Is Real

Joe Biden visita Nueva Jersey para evaluar daños por inundaciones.
Joe Biden visits New Jersey to assess flood damage.

Photo: MANDEL NGAN / AFP / Getty Images

The president, Joe Biden , assured this Tuesday from the state of New Jersey that after the devastation caused by the powerful storm Ida in nine states “ the country has realized that global warming is real and is moving incredibly fast “.

” I think we are at one of those inflection points , where we either act or we are going to have real problems; our children are going to have serious problems, ”said Joe Biden during a public appearance on his first leg of a trip to the states of New Jersey and New York to visit on the ground the areas most affected by the blows of Hurricane Ida, where it left fifty dead.

Joe Biden approved this weekend the declaration of “major disaster” for several counties in these two states in response to the damage caused by Ida, which hit the northeast region of the country hard last week.

In his speech, together with the Governor of New Jersey, Phil Murphy, and the director and administrator of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), Deanne Criswell, Biden stressed that in November he will participate in the COP summit 26 on the environment in Glasgow (United Kingdom) to address “between all ”climate change.

The president insisted in his speech that“ All parts of the country are being affected by extreme weather, and now we are living in real time what the country will be like ”if no measures are taken.

“We cannot reverse it much, but we can prevent it from getting worse,” he declared, emphasizing that the damage and human and material losses caused by the rains “are deep.”

In Biden’s line, Criswell noted that climatic events like Ida “are becoming more normal, are becoming more common, but they are more severe and more intense. ”

The effects of climate change that are causing these storms are here and our job is to make sure we are all ready to respond. FEMA is truly committed to helping by making communities more resilient, ”he stated.

Ida’s passage through the northeast of the country left 25 killed in New Jersey, where four people are still missing, and others 17 in New York, where Biden will travel in the next few hours.

The declaration of the counties hit hardest by Ida as “major disaster” areas will allow affected people to receive federal government assistance for temporary housing, home repair and low-cost loans to recover from the damage caused by the floods.

Federal funds will also be available to state and local governments to support the efforts of reconstruction , among other things, as noted in a statement by the White House, which pr he had previously approved emergency declarations for both states.

Joe Biden, who has visited the town of Manville, New Jersey, where they were registered great floods and later serious fires in several buildings due to gas leaks caused by the waters, will move in New York to the borough of Queens, where several people drowned in illegal apartments located in basements.

With information de Efe.

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· Jo e Biden approves declaration of “major disaster” for New York and New Jersey after flooding by Ida