Saturday, September 28

Feng Shui: where to locate a cactus to neutralize its negative energy

Los cactus ayudan a eliminar las energías negativas.
Cacti help eliminate negative energies.

Photo: Stefano Photography / Pexels

In the Feng Shui plants are natural elements that cannot missing in the decoration of the house if you want the energies to flow correctly and prevent them from becoming stagnant. Cacti are the most used for their beauty , but they have a bad reputation because their thorny Appearance conveys aggressiveness. However, placing them in the right place can help absorb and neutralize negative energies.

Cacti are plants that, like their housemates, purify the air and attract positive energy . However, they must be placed in the indicated place.

One of its main benefits is the absorption of bad energies, that is why they should not be placed at the entrance of the house because they attract negative energy from the outside to the inside. It is also not recommended to have them indoors because their thorns “cut” the positive energy of the inhabitants of the home.

In the same way, they should not be located in the bedroom because they alter the sleep cycle, or in the dining room because food can be heavy.

Where to locate the cacti

The term cactus means “ guardian of the home “, so In Feng Shui this plant symbolizes balance and protection . In addition, there are many varieties: large, small, tall, with flowers or without flowers. For each style there is an alternative and its treatment is simple. They only need sun and little water.

The places where it is recommended to place them are:

On windows

Since negative energies come from outside, the cacti on the windows help keep them out of the house. It is suggested to place them on the edges either inside or outside.

In patios

If you have a patio, it is the right place. Putting several cacti on the path that is right when entering the house will neutralize and filter the energies that intend to enter the home.


On the terraces can also be placed since they fulfill the same function as in the patios.

In workspaces

With the pandemic, most people adapted a space from home as an office. Putting a cactus on your desk or in your workplace helps absorb stress and energy from electromagnetic devices.

In the office

If you go outside of home to work, don’t forget to bring small cactus pots. In addition to decorating, they neutralize hostile environments and eliminate work tensions.

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