Friday, September 20

Horoscope for El Niño Prodigio September 7, 2021


03 / 21 – 04 / 19

At times you might feel the need to evade any of your tasks, so if you perform in an area that requires concentration, avoid distractions. I also warn of allergy issues due to psychosomatic issues so try to give a natural channel to your emotions.


04 / 19 – 05 / 20

Your creativity and expressive power are enhanced and you will be able to show the people around you everything you can do. Someone deeply wise will give you an indication that you should listen carefully and follow to the letter.


05 / 21 – 07 / 20

Domestic issues will incite you to action and you will develop with great dynamism within the home. In addition, you must make fundamental determinations for your family life, so you must analyze each of the steps you will take.


6 / 21 – 7 / 20

It is an optimal time for an outing, a walk or a trip. You will be more direct when speaking and you will dare to say what you think. Do not repress your words because they will penetrate deeply into the beings around you and promote transformations.


07 / 21 – 08 / 21

Does time that you have been working hard and mobilizing to obtain greater resources and now you will redouble the bet by launching new businesses. The financial help you were needing will arrive and you will be able to continue with your plans.Go forward!


08 / 22 – 10 / 22

You will make important decisions and encourage yourself to fully exercise your authority. The beings around you will admire your courage and choose you as their leader. In addition, it will be an excellent period for love conquests and if you have children, you will show them character.


09 / 23 – 10 / 22

You will feel the desire to help a close person who is going through a difficult time and may face some health problems. These discomforts could also be the product of anger or repressed tensions.


11 / 23 – 11 / 21

Your social life will be reactivated and you will resume contact with some confident friends who you appreciate for their discretion and great opinions. This will be a good occasion for you to contact them and organize a special meeting.


12 / 23 – 12 / 20

Today will be a productive day in which you will reap the fruits of the efforts you made in the past. You will step firmly and you will obtain greater prestige and economic credit. In addition, you will feel in a better position to help your loved ones.


11 / 21 – 01 / 19

You will now be very committed to your ethical principles, vigorously defending your beliefs and spreading your ideas with great determination. Many people will follow you and take you as a guide because they will find that you have an extremely coherent and convincing attitude.


01 / 20 – 02 / 18

Your keen intuition will help you make formidable negotiations. In addition, the financial sector will be reactivated thanks to the fact that you will receive financing or that you will associate with very dynamic business partners. You may receive an inheritance.


02 / 18 – 03 / 20

You will be very connected with all the energies of the flesh and focused on the material, but beware! It is important that you do not lose sight of what is truly essential. Your spirit must also be constantly fed and a good way to do this is through prayer.

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