Sunday, September 22

Chiron in astrology: how it helps heal emotional wounds

Quirón fue descubierto en 1977.
Chiron was discovered in 1977.

Photo: CharlVera / Pixabay

Chiron is a curious rocky body that has gained relevance in modern astrology. Discovered in 1977, this comet-asteroid is relatively new and due to its hybrid characteristics, it was listed as the first centaur in the known universe .

Its astrological meaning goes, precisely, hand in hand with the beautiful origin of the Greek mythological creature half human half beast.

The myth tells that Saturn (or Cronos), who was Rhea’s husband, met a beautiful nymph named Fílira on her way to a Thracian island. Both were captivated and decided to pleasure themselves, but not to be discovered, Saturn transformed into a horse. However, his strategy did not pay off: Rea surprised the lovers. He fled away while the nymph hid in the Pelasgian Mountains where she finally gave birth to Chiron.

The birth was painful, because her son was born half man and half horse. Fílira was terrified by the creature that was born from her being, so she asked the gods to release her from the “torment” of raising that beast. Then, the divine beings took Chiron and his mother was turned into a linden tree.

The gods granted Chiron immortality and educate him as a prudent, wise, master of knowledge warlike, with great ethical values ​​and developed the gifts of the healing arts .

One day, when Hercules was fighting with the centaurs, he accidentally wounded Chiron with an arrow that had the poison of Hydra, causing him an incurable wound. For this reason, the centaur is left in the paradox of not being able to heal, but not dying either. Thus, he offers Prometheus his immortality in exchange for letting him die, he accepts and then Chiron ascends to heaven as the constellation Sagittarius .

What does Chiron represent in astrology

Chiron represents in astrology our ability to identify the wounds that we acquire in our life and we use to heal and teach others. Being rejected by his mother, Chiron was hurt from birth, therefore, it is also related to the things where we feel limited and rejected. In addition, it symbolizes those deep wounds that cannot heal, but we use that wise knowledge to help others.

Like the others astrological planets , Chiron’s position in the sky represents the areas of life where it will manifest . For example, if your Chiron sign is in Gemini it represents that you have difficulties expressing your thoughts, but when faced with those insecurities, you could develop that capacity more than others.

The centaur has an irregular orbit, so its transit through the signs is not homogeneous. After 7 to 8 years in Aries and Pisces and two in Virgo and Libra, for example. He is currently in Aries and will remain there until 2026.

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