Sunday, September 29

This is how Maluma reacted when asked how much a specific part of his anatomy measures


Photo: Mike Coppola / Getty Images


This Thursday Maluma kicks off the US leg of his long-awaited tour “Papi Juancho” with a concert in Sacramento, after almost two years without going out on the road, and he wanted to celebrate such a special occasion hosting one of those famous question and answer sessions with his Instagram followers .

The idea was to respond live to any questions or curiosity that his fans might have, and at first everything went well because the questions focused on the usual topics, such as when will he return to his native Medellín, with which artist would he like to collaborate in the future or what makes him really happy.

However, it did not take long for an indiscreet question to appear asking “how tall you are the ”acomp I add an aubergine emoticon, which was self-explanatory. The face of the Colombian when he read it was priceless, so he decided to take a picture to share and record it.

To the disappointment of many, he did not dare to share such personal information , but in return decided to comply with one of the other requests that have been raised, which could also imply certain sexual connotations depending on each person, publishing a photograph of their feet.

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