Wednesday, October 2

The white lie that each zodiac sign tells the most

Descubre qué mentiras piadosas dicen los signos zodiacales.
Find out what white lies the zodiac signs tell.

Photo: Toa Heftiba / Unsplash

Sometimes being totally honest is not politically correct because it could get us into difficulties, especially when there are feelings in between. We all resort to white lies to avoid hurting someone we love . Whether it is right or wrong is a controversial discussion because each person has an opinion about it.

However, what is possible to discover thanks to astrology is what a white lie the zodiac signs tell the most . Based on an Ask Astrology article, we tell you what the signs often say, even if it is difficult to accept.


The lie that an Aries tells the most is “I don’t say it” . Being an impulsive sign, it unintentionally gets into a lot of trouble. Admitting that you did something that didn’t work makes you ashamed and scares you.


All Taurus he lies when he says “I had no idea it would bother you” . It is a stubborn sign that does not give up routines, habits or behaviors. As long as they make him feel comfortable he will repeat them over and over again, even though it bothers someone else.


There is no specific phrase to describe Gemini’s white lie, however will deny whatever is necessary and will try to find who is at fault.


Cancer’s white lie is “I had no idea you were there” . It is an emotional sign, so he is an expert in “accidental” or “involuntary” encounters when he misses another person or wants to say something face to face. If you meet them “by chance” in a place, it is most likely that they have planned it.


It is a sign that does not usually lie, but does so when it feels cornered in love. Thus, the pious phrase that says the most is “I love you” . If a person pays him the attention he wants, consciously and tries as he expects it, but does not feel the same, he flatters him by saying that phrase, even if he does not feel it.


The white lie that Virgo tells the most is “I do not mind”. It is an analytical and meticulous sign, that is why when someone criticizes it they say they don’t care, although inside they know it affects them.


He does not like to have conflicts with someone and his white lie is for that purpose. The most common is “I didn’t know” , thus avoiding many discussions.


Be careful when a Scorpio tells you “You look good” and your face says something else. He does not want to be the culprit of hurting your feelings, so it is not advisable to ask for an honest opinion if you want to know what you look like.


The most recurrent white lie in Sagittarius is like”. It applies to people, things and food. And it is that the idea of ​​commitment scares him so much that to avoid feeling anchored to something he denies liking it.


It is quite a smart and wise sign, so its usual white lie is “I do not know“. He does it so as not to reveal his secrets or to interrupt someone’s growth.


He likes to go at his own pace and does not like to follow anyone’s advice or orders. Therefore, when he is ordered to do something he says “ yes I did it “, but uses any pretext to justify that there was no result. For example, if you tell them to phone someone, they won’t do it and then they’ll tell you they did, but the line was busy.


A Pisces is always kind and knows how to listen, but sometimes daydreams while you chat with him. When you ask him “do you remember what I told you?” He will answer you a white lie “ yes, but I forgot “.

It may interest you: The signs of the Zodiac that do believe in love at a distance