Sunday, September 29

“I better laugh for not crying”, Thalía takes with humor the floods in her house after a fierce storm

Thalía y Tommy Mottola son solo algunas de las personas que resultaron afectadas tras la feroz tormenta.
Thalía and Tommy Mottola are just some of the people who were affected after the fierce storm.

Photo: Nicholas Hunt / Getty Images

The Mexican singer Thalía , who the past 20 August fulfilled 50 years, you are going through very difficult times after your imposing mansion in New York will be very affected after the heavy rains registered in the area because of the remnants of Tropical Storm Ida.

Through a series of videos, shared on Instagram Stories, the wife of Tommy Mottola exhibited how some of the rooms were left after the fierce and historic storm that hit the region.

“¡ What is happening in my house! No, no no, this is going to explode! ”, The mother of the little ones Sabrina Sakaë and Matthew Alejandro are heard saying, who feared the worst, because the water level reached the electricity plugs.

In his videos, you can see how the bathrooms, corridors, living room, recording studio, gym, among other rooms were left.

Despite how badly it happened at the beginning and thus let it glimpse with all the bad words she uttered, the interpreter of ‘Amor a la Mexicana’ preferred to take what happened with her characteristic and famous sense of humor .

“I came to relax a bit, this is intense, it is going to be an intense night. God is in control, he knows why. Lazy and cooperative, embrace the problem and not fight it. I better laugh for not crying, darlings. They don’t know how much that fountain of youth has grown. There is nothing to do, a flood continues to fall outside ”, expressed the also actress during the house tour that she made for her home.

What is Thalía and Tommy Mottola’s house like?

Through various videos and photographs, the couple has shown us the love nest to which they moved in the middle of 2019.

Kitchen room

Despite being great celebrities, both Thalía and Tommy Mottola love to surprise each other with their culinary creations, being the one who dedicates the most to them time to the kitchen.

The kitchen is composed of a white cupboard, gray appliances, as well as a large island in the center which not only serves to prepare food and as a breakfast room, but also to celebrate birthdays, as happened with the past anniversary sario of the employer.

Dining room

Crossing a wooden door with glass is the dining room, which is made up of a white table, in the shape of an oval, with capacity for six people.


A On the side of the dining room is the living room, a space that has a large white armchair in which the family loves to spend time together.

Master bedroom

Thalía and Tommy Mottola do not usually show their bedroom, however, on one occasion or another the interpreter of ‘Amor a la Mexicana’ has allowed us to know the bed that she not only shares with her husband, but also with her two dogs.


Like every celebrity, Thalía has a large closet in which she keeps her outfits from day to day, as well as those she uses for her presentations and galas.

As in the rest of the house, white is the tone that dominates your closet.

Your wardrobe is divided by season and even by color, while your shoes and accessories have their own space.

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