Wednesday, October 2

Covid: know if you can be fired or not in case you do not want to get the vaccine

For weeks millions of Americans have heard and read that one of the necessary requirements to work in certain companies, whether they are active or aspiring employees, is to be vaccinated. These mandates are intended to prevent workforce protection against Covid – 19.

The new vaccine mandates and stricter sanitary stances on the part of the companies for their workers have the sole purpose of avoiding massive contagions, which could eventually bring disastrous i implications for businesses and work centers throughout the country .

On the other hand, companies have stated that those who have not been vaccinated, for some reason, must wear face masks, as well as mandatory Recurrent tests should be done to rule out that they are infected and can infect other people.

Given the new inflexible mandates that are being implemented throughout the country, a question arises that many Americans are asking, Can my employer fire me if I do not immunize myself? This answer can be found in current labor laws.

According to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, companies have the right to establish their terms and conditions of employment. employment, if a worker does not comply, a company can thank him or assess the particular situation. This, too, applies to Covid vaccines – 19 .

Without a doubt, each case may be different in terms of immunization against Covid – 19, it is not the same to evaluate someone that it cannot be vaccinated for health reasons and that it has medical indications not to do so, as well as for those who have religious reasons, to those people who for personal ideas refuse to do so.

In this situation , labor lawyer Helen Rella, a member of the Wilk Auslander law firm, explained to CBS that companies must accept an accommodation letter from the worker, “once an employee requests an accommodation, the employer has the obligation to file an accommodation. interactive conversation with the employee to determine if adaptation is possible “.

Regardless of this scenario, if the companies or the people who hire determine that there are no good reasons for the workers to If you want to be vaccinated, then you can do without the services of this one, under the argument, in particular of the pandemic, that would endanger your fellow employees .

Since July the American business class has had to battle with the news that the cases of the Delta variant have been on the rise throughout the country, causing fear in the population and workers. This situation has resulted in consumers gradually moving away from shops and this is having economic implications.

You can also interest: Covid: Walmart and Sam’s Club doubled the incentive for their employees to get vaccinated