Sunday, September 29

Child Tax Credit: Code for America Launches Tool to Help Low-Income Families Register

Con la nueva herramienta los aspirantes al beneficio se pueden dar de alta desde diversos dispositivos.
With the new tool, applicants for the benefit can register from various devices.

Photo: Marta Filipczyk / Unsplash

Although the government headed by Joe Biden has done everything possible to promote the benefits of the Child Tax Credit so that more families sign up, the efforts are not enough and Therefore, there are organizations that have understood that the fight against poverty should be promoted by all, in order to that the most needy obtain the monthly benefit .

Under this idea of ​​helping and promoting the benefits of the tax credit distributed by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), Code for America, non-profit technology organization, announced that it launched an online tool to help low-income families register to receive the monthly payments that the government distributes via the IRS.

According to a official release, this tool, available at , could be developed thanks to joint work between the organization, the White House and the Department of the Treasury. The way it was prepared allows the applicant who wishes to enroll in the tax credit program to register in Spanish In addition, the tool is compatible with mobile devices.

Through a press release, David Newville, director of Code for America’s tax benefits program, stated that two months after the first payment was released of the tax credit, “it is clear that it is having a significant impact on working families. We want to do everything possible to make sure that all families have access to credit . ”

The Code for America tool adds to the one released three months ago by the IRS for non-filing citizens, through a collaboration with tax preparation companies. Tax at Free File Alliance. But one of the concerns raised by the organizations had to do with the limitation that only English was configured as a language and excluded Spanish .

On the other hand, it was also stated that a platform was necessary in which it had compatibility with various mobile devices, To do this, make the registration process for the Child Tax Credit easier, especially for the Latino community that lives throughout the national territory , which represents millions of citizens.

The comments were taken into account by Code for America, so The entire Latino and Spanish-speaking community in the United States has in this tool the best possible instrument so that they can register and in the coming weeks be credited to the corresponding payment to September and the months to come .

Accordingly Due to the Household Pulse Survey of the United States Census Bureau, two months after the Child Tax Credit payments were released, families are guaranteeing that they have the necessary resources to guarantee that their children will have their food covered , as well as their basic needs, in order to move away from poverty rates.

You may also be interested in: Child tax credit: how the economy of families improved in United States