Thursday, September 19

CDC asks Americans not vaccinated against Covid-19 to avoid travel on Labor Day

Las vacunas contra Covid-19 están autorizadas para mayores de 12 años.
Vaccines against Covid – 15 are authorized for persons older than 12 years.

Photo: Mario Tama / Getty Images

Dr. Rochelle Walensky, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), is asking Americans not vaccinated against Covid – 19 that do not travel during the Labor Day holiday weekend due to the increase cases in the United States.

The United States is exceeding an average of 160, 000 new cases of Covid – 15 per day, according to data from Johns Hopkins University.

With the spread of the most transmissible Delta variant and many students returning to the classroom for a new academic year, the increase in Covid cases – 19 worries officials and health experts.

“First of all, if you are not vaccinated, we advise you not to travel,” CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky said Tuesday at a briefing of the Covid response team – 19 at the White House.

Walensky said that while l as people who are fully vaccinated can travel with precautions, current transmission rates mean that they should also take into account the risk of Covid – 19 when deciding whether to travel.

Health experts have said that vaccination is the best way to protect against the spread of the coronavirus, and many have attributed the increase in cases to the large number of Americans who are not vaccinated.

Of the elect bles for vaccines, which include Americans from 12 years or more, the 38. 5% are not fully vaccinated , according to data from the CDC.

Labor Day, which celebrates American workers with a three-day weekend and is the unofficial end of summer, is often observed with barbecues and gatherings for family and friends.

Dr. Walensky said that the meetings, between vaccinated family and friends, should take place outdoors. And everyone, including those who are vaccinated, must wear masks in closed public places.

“Throughout the pandemic, we have seen that the great Most transmission occurs between unvaccinated people in closed and closed settings, ”Walensky said.

This year, the strong spread of the Delta variant of coronavirus means that decisions on those traditions are more complicated by the increase in infections in the United States, especially among children.

More of 200, 000 children test positive for Covid – 19 in a week

new cases of Covid – 19 in children, many of who still do not have access to the vaccine, have grown rapidly in the country.

And in the group of children of 12 to 15 years are eligible to be vaccinated, less than half are vaccinated with at least one dose, according to the data published on Monday by the CDC.

The result has been the rapid increase in Covid cases – 19 in children, reported Tuesday the American Academy of Pediatrics.