Monday, September 30

Piers Morgan reportedly did not commit any infraction with his comments on Meghan Markle

Piers Morgan.
Piers Morgan.

Photo: Frazer Harrison for Bafta LA / Getty Images


The UK broadcasting watchdog, Ofcom , rated attempts to silence Piers Morgan as a “chilling restriction of freedom of expression” in response to the more than 57, 000 complaints you have received, including one own Megan Markle , Duchess of Sussex, for controversial statements made by the presenter on the morning show “Good morning Britain” .

Specifically, the former actress’s nemesis assured to the air that “I did not believe a word” of what she had said throughout the conversation she had with Oprah Winfrey earlier this year, during which he denounced the racist treatment and lack of support he would have experienced within the British monarchy.

Now Ofcom has insisted that the presenter she had the right to “rigorously question” the comments made by Meghan and her husband – Prince Harry – in the interview, even though it was a matter as serious as the suicidal tendencies that the Duchess would have experienced or the comments that a member of royalty – whose identity they did not want to reveal – would have made about the possible skin color that their children could inherit before the birth of their first-born.

On the document of 26 document in whoever presents this conclusion, the court in charge of reviewing the case recalls that open and frank debates about race and racism are of high public interest as long as they comply with the code drawn up by the organization, which allows people to express duly argued points of view, including if they are potentially harmful or highly offensive, and that broadcasters include them in their programming.

“Ofcom is clear that, consistent with freedom of expression, Mr. Morgan had the right to say that he did not believe the allegations of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex and to hold and express strong opinions that rigorously questioned his version of events, “he adds.

The most surprising thing about this whole story is that initially Piers and Meghan maintained a cordial relationship when she was still part of the cast of the series TV show “Suits” , and he was one of its main advocates when it was announced her engagement to Harry. However, she would have turned her back on him after this important milestone in her life, and the presenter would never have forgiven her for it.

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