Tuesday, October 1

Mercury will have an “unusual” transit through Libra: what will be its impact

Mercury is known as a inner planet due to its proximity to the Sun. In astrology this means that its passage through the signs of the Zodiac is relatively fast, but its impact is strong.

Last Tuesday 31 August the planet left Virgo, where it was since 11 August, to enter Libra . There he will remain until November 5, a fairly long period compared to his stay in other signs.

This “unusual” period, as it has been cataloged by astrologers, has its explanation in a well-known phenomenon: Mercury retrograde . The setback of this planet will be from 26 September to 18 of October, which is why your transit through Libra will be longer than usual.

However, star analysts say that there is nothing to worry about, since Mercury does not dislike the energies of the air signs .

This planet, which rules any form of communication, combined with the energies of Libra, will make our communication style more friendly compared to its previous transit through Virgo. Libra has a reputation for being a peacemaker, so Mercury in Libra signifies a diplomatic approach, charming, gentle, flirtatious and understanding , astrologer Leslie Hale told Refinery 29.

In this analysis, her colleague Lisa Stardust agrees, who added, there will be an air of balance and commitment in our negotiations, so relationships are likely to fade and stay out of conflict.

we will have meaningful and concise discussions ”, he commented.

Although the criticisms will not disappear, we will all be more empathetic, so it is a good time to get closer to those who we have different thoughts , so we will find a balance or, in the worst case, we will test our patience.

Mercury’s prolonged stay in Libra will be seasoned by three t rígonos with Saturn in Aquarius on 20 of September, October 3 and November 1. In the words of the astrologer Narayana Montúfar it means “the opportunity to expand our minds and achieve great concentration and attention to detail.”

“They also represent the opportunity to start over when it comes to working on a project that we could not do well before,” he said.

However, he called to be alert because communication could quickly become complicated, so the general recommendation is to observe what we say and how we say it.

Te It may interest you : Uranus begins its retrograde cycle: how it affects each sign of the Zodiac