Sunday, September 29

Julio Scherer Ibarra, a man close to AMLO, resigns from the Legal Counsel of the Presidency of Mexico

Medios mexicanos aseguran que Julio Scherer Ibarra (izq.) renunció a la Consejería Jurídica de la Presidencia de AMLO.
Mexican media assure that Julio Scherer Ibarra (left) resigned from the Legal Counsel of the Presidency of AMLO.

Photo: BERNARDO MONTOYA / AFP / Getty Images

Lawyer Julio Scherer Ibarra left his position as Legal Counselor of the Presidency, held since the beginning of the President’s administration Andrés Manuel López Obrador .

Government sources confirmed the departure of the official, considered a legal and political operator of the Federal President, since he was a key element to develop and promote the main reforms of the so-called Fourth Transformation.

Additionally, Scherer Ibarra represented the Executive branch in important litigation on key issues such as changes in energy matters.

During his performance as General Counsel, the lawyer did not always agree with the President.

A sample was made public in the most recent book of the Tabasco, where he assures that the Legal Department Ídica opposed his instructions to make public the entire file on General Salvador Cienfuegos, sent by the United States authorities.

On the other hand side, inside the federal cabinet always was alerted about the differences that were registered between the Legal Counsel and the former Secretary of the Interior, Olga Sánchez Cordero , who has just left the cabinet the last week.

According to government sources, the lawyer was accused by the retired Minister’s team of invading some of the corresponding powers to the head of Segob, among them, the dialogue with legislators, governors and political leaders.

Additionally, amid the controversy unleashed by the transitory article that sought to extend the mandate of Minister Arturo Zaldívar, as president of the Court, leg Isladores and officials attributed its responsibility to Scherer.

A project in the Court proposes to declare unconstitutional the extension of Zaldívar’s mandate. The sources consulted assure that there could be changes in other dependencies.

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