Monday, September 30

Hispanic mother from San Francisco, unvaccinated and 8 months pregnant, lost her baby to COVID-19

La gestación de su hijo transcurrió sin complicaciones hasta que enfermó de coronavirus.
Her son’s gestation was uneventful until he became ill with coronavirus.

Photo: Kamille Sampaio / Pexels

A Hispanic mother from San Francisco, who was not yet vaccinated and was 8 months pregnant, lost her baby after falling ill with coronavirus .

Nancy Mejía, her husband Mario de Paz and their 3-year-old years got sick last month from COVID – 19.

😢 Nancy Mejía, an unvaccinated mother in San Francisco (California) lost her pregnancy due to COVID. He caught the virus in early August, affecting the birth of his daughter.

– Galo Baird (@GaloBairdTV) August 30, 2021

At the beginning of August, De Paz presented the first symptoms, but thought they were due to reaction as side effects to the first dose of the COVID vaccine – 19 I had received days before, so returned home to his family.

“The truth is that I feel guilty for what happened,” said the husband in statements to ABC7 .

“If I could go back in time, I would have been vaccinated earlier,” he added.

Nancy Mejía mentioned that the pregnancy had passed without major setbacks , went to all her prenatal appointments and was told that her baby was extremely healthy.

“Everything was fine until I had a fever, cough and chills,” said the Hispanic mother.

You were informed of the death at a medical appointment

Mejía went to the San Francisco General Hospital last week and received the news that her baby had died . Two days later, she gave birth to her deceased daughter, Sara Ximena.

That day, Nancy received her first dose of vaccine .

To determine the cause of death of the baby, Doctors told Nancy Mejía that an autopsy would be necessary, but the Hispanic mother has the feeling that it was due to her coronavirus disease .

With her experience, Mejía advised pregnant women to to be vaccinated .

It is estimated that the 75% of pregnant women in the United States have not been immunized against the SARS CoV-2 virus.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have urged pregnant women to get the CO vaccine VINE-19

Mario de Paz still has some symptoms of the disease, so he has not been able to work in his restaurant for a month, so which opened a page on GoFundMe to request help to recover the body of your deceased baby in order to be able to bury it.

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