Tuesday, October 1

“Have them learn!”, Says AMLO to neoliberal technocrats when giving his Third Government Report

When presenting his Third Government Report, the President of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador , boasted the progress that the country has in economic matters as well as the increase in remittances sent by Mexicans from the United States and which rose last year to 40,600 millions of dollars.

“Last year remittances rose to 40 thousand 600 million dollars and in this year we estimate that according to the behavior to date that will exceed the 48 billion dollars, that is 23% more ”, He said.

In the presence of members of his cabinet in the Benito Juárez Benito Juárez Tribute Site of the National Palace, Andrés Manuel López Obrador , summarized the progress in economic matters at the time he decided r “to the neoliberal technocrats“ have them learn! ”.

“Historical record in remittances, historical record in foreign investment, historical record in increase in the minimum wage, historical record in no devaluation of the peso, historical record in no increase in debt, historical record in increase of the Stock market index, historical record in Banco de México reserves … It is as if to say from the rooftops, show off … It is as if to tell the neoliberal technocrats “have to learn! ”, he expressed.

The Mexican president said that a decisive measure in the transformation of Mexico was“ stop the privatization trend in its tracks ”.

“ The transformation is underway, and although it is necessary to continue exposing the great neoliberal farce and encouraging the change of mentality of the people, because that is the closest to the essential and the irreversible, it is also masters banishing vices and dishonest practices in government management ”, he mentioned.

A decisive measure was to stop the privatization trend in its tracks, no concessions were given to individuals in mines, water, hospitals, ports, railways, beaches, prisons and public works. But the most important thing is that we have stopped privatizations in the energy sector, in oil and electricity ”, he stated.

Andrés Manuel López Obrador again mentioned that he will shortly send an energy reform initiative to the Congress of the Union to continue with the arrest of the privatization progress.

“As for the electricity industry, this month I am going to send Congress a constitutional reform initiative that will make it possible to repair the serious damage that privatization caused to the public sector,” he said.

From the National Palace he mentioned that the transformation of Mexico is underway and that in these three years of his government there have been 98 of decentralization of the federal government and conclude with the Ayotzinapa case.

“The most important thing is that The foundations for the transformation have already been laid, just two years and nine months after occupying the presidency, I can affirm that we have already achieved that objective, I repeat, laying the foundations for the transformation of Mexico, ”he said.

“In these two years and nine months, the government has made important decisions and we believe that we have worked with intensity and for the good of the people. For example of the December 1, 2018 upon taking office, the vast majority have been met, 98 from 100 commitments … We only have two pending, decentralize the federal government and know the whole truth about the disappearance of the youth of Ayotzinapa and in that we are “, he commented.

During his message lasting almost an hour, the Tabasco president stated that what has been achieved so far in his government would allow him to leave the presidency with a clear conscience and without feeling bad.

“As I wrote in the introduction to my book ‘Half the way’, it is so important what has been achieved so far, in this period that even could leave right now the presidency without feeling bad, with my conscience , which is what I consider to be bad, which is the most important thing in my life. I reiterate that much has been done and it would be very difficult to reverse decisions or actions that have been taken for the good of the people and the nation ”, he argued.

Accompanied by his wife Beatriz Gutiérrez Müller, Andrés Manuel López Obrador said he was sure that in March of 2024, during the vote for the revocation of mandate, the people are going to ask him to conclude his last years of government.

I am sure that people will vote at the end of next March for my constitutional period to continue until the end of 2024 “, he confided.

” Of course, this is not only what I need to fulfill my mandate. What nature, science and the creator says is missing, we cannot be arrogant. But if I am lucky and finish, I think we are going to complete the work of transformation and we will not stop No pending when I am delivering the presidential sash alone I will say to the rooftops, mission accomplished! I’m going to Palenque, I leave you my heart, thank you very much ”, he concluded with his message .

Within his message López Obrador also highlighted the recovery of jobs in the country, the advance in vaccination and the decrease in the pandemic, the decrease in crimes, the sanction the federal agents who kicked the migrants, in addition to thanking the work of his cabinet and the nation’s servers.

Third Government Report https://t.co/WBrgj2W0sX

– Andrés Manuel (@lopezobrador_) September 1, 2021

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