Yanitza Castro had been thinking for several months whether he should be vaccinated against covid – 19 during your pregnancy or wait for after giving birth. She says that her main concern was that the vaccine would cause some harmful effect on her baby.
“I always stay safe with the use of a mask and hand sanitizer… But I have constant contact with people at work because I am part of a team of covid – 19 for an organization ”, said the young woman from 23 years.
However, after seeing that his entire family – parents, grandparents and even his sister of 12 years – they were vaccinated without presenting major complications, the future new mother decided to get vaccinated last week.
Castro already She is eight months pregnant and said that so far she feels fine and has not had any negative reactions.
“My baby is also growing well,” said the young woman who participated in a virtual panel this week with the aim of clarifying doubts to women in the same situation.
The medical experts who were also present indicated that immunization with any of the three vaccines — Pfizer , Modern and / or Johnson &
Johnson— during pregnancy, for those who are Breastfeeding and even those who plan to get pregnant is safe and effective.
By getting vaccinated they protect themselves and their babies from contracting COVID – 19.
Dr. Olga Meave, a family physician in Bakersfield, said that during the week of 25 July, only in Los Angeles County were presented 81 covid cases – 19 in pregnant women.
“Hence by now the numbers have increased exponentially throughout the population :, Meave said. “Imagine how much the numbers have increased in the
pregnant women.”
Meave indicated that she constantly receives questions about whether the covid vaccine – 19 is safe for pregnant women and for those who are planning to look for a baby.
“The day we give birth we do not want anything to go wrong, we want to protect our children as much as we can and that is very fundamental, to understand that by getting vaccinated we are protecting ourselves and our baby who still it is not born, ”Meave said.
The American College of Obstetricians and the Maternal Fetal Medicine Association recommend that pregnant women get vaccinated against covid – 19.
Due to the high transmission rates of the Delta variant, especially in people of reproductive age, hospitals in the United States are observing a increased pregnant women who are hospitalized with pneumonia caused by the coronavirus, especially in minority, neglected and marginalized communities.
“Various data have shown that covid infection – 19 increases the risk of pregnant women with complications and even death, ”said Meave.
A study conducted in July 2020 to January 2021, showed that the risk of very preterm birth, before the week of gestation, was a 60% higher for women infected with covid – 19.
There was also a 40% more likely for infected women to give birth before the week 37.
Will I be a mother, when should I get vaccinated?
Dr. Diana Ramos, obstetrician-gynecologist and medical officer of the Department California Public Health Department (CDPH), said the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) tracked more than 35, 000 vaccinated women just before becoming pregnant and the researchers found no obvious safety concerns.
“Other considerations of the vaccine during pregnancy, is that pregnant women can have side effects like any other person such as body pain, cold and fatigue, normal effects for men and women they can have after being immunized, ”explained Ramos.
He added that women should consult their doctor if they see any side effect that worries them.
How Since the vaccine was initially released, a wait of 14 days before or after receiving the covid vaccine – 19 if the person wanted to get another vaccine, such as influenza. However, further studies have revealed that people can get one or three vaccines on the same day, even in the same arm.
“I suggest to my pregnant patients that are also vaccinated against influenza to prevent the virus and high fever that can be caused by these viruses from causing a complication in pregnancy “, said Meave.
” Being vaccinated the mother also protects the baby because it shares some of the antibodies through the uterus. ”
Ramos indicated that in early August, the CDC recommended that the vaccine in breastfeeding is very safe.
“The new evidence shows that it is not likely that the virus is transmitted to babies through breast milk, “he explained. “Breast milk is very important.
If you have covid – 19 and decide to breastfeed it is very important to wash your hands well before breastfeeding and use a mask when you do [además] to keep distance when not breastfeeding the baby. ”
It is recommended that pregnant women who have already had covid – 19 get vaccinated anyway. This includes those who are breastfeeding as the antibodies can be passed to the baby through breast milk.
Ramos added that the state is implementing additional public health measures to help reduce and stop the spread of covid – 19. This includes the use of masks, the vaccine for older than 12 years and constant coronavirus tests.
The Delta variant is a 60% more contagious than the original strain. Since the last weekend the 98% of cases registered in California are due to this variant.