Sunday, September 29

El Niño Prodigy Horoscope September 1, 2021


03 / 20 – 04 / 19

You will feel very happy and confident with the people who are part of your intimate sphere. Let yourself be pampered, hugged and helped by your closest ones. Remember that the deeper the roots, the healthier and more leafy the tree grows.


04 / 20 – 05 / 20

Will now be activated everything that is communication, studies or information search, but it may be difficult for you to communicate because your words will be charged with emotion. Make an effort to speak in terms the other can understand.


05 / 21 – 06 / 20

Save a moment in the day to go to distract yourself, go out to eat or give yourself any other gratification. Also, try to be more generous with the people you love and do not refuse to lend your support if they require it.


6 / 21 – 7 / 20

The Moon in your sign will bring you new beginnings, although, before making decisions, you will consider your options carefully. However, you will receive some questions from your relatives, but remember that you cannot satisfy them all.


08 / 21 – 08 / 21

Your energy flow will decrease and that is why it will be appropriate for you to look for a way to recharge yourself. This is a time to stay out of the bustle and reflect on what happened in the last month. In addition, many memories of the past will arise, but you should not fall into nostalgia.


08 / 21 – 09 / 22

You will participate in meetings and wherever you go you will radiate a very positive energy. Your contribution will be deeply appreciated and you will perceive that your friends will look at you in a very affectionate way. You will become a source of inspiration in your social nucleus.


09 / 23 – 10 / 22

Now you are going to enjoy the popularity among your peers work and put all your energy in the professional area. Thanks to this you will feel satisfied, but your reward will be much more spiritual and affective than material. Pay attention to the little details.


10 / 23 – 11 / 22

Your desire to expand will grow and you will feel optimistic about the future. In addition, you will find a friend with whom you will share the same philosophy of life and vision of the world. If you have to do paperwork or sign papers and delays arise, take it easy.


12 / 23 – 18 / 20

You will take your ambitions seriously and will be willing to fight tirelessly to achieve your goals. You will aim for a higher position and implement a promotion strategy. A superior will look favorably on your aspirations and provide you with useful tools.


11 / 21 – 01 / 19

The prevailing atmosphere will lead you to live romantic moments with your partner or with another person you are dealing with or meeting. You will feel lucky because you will discover that the cosmic network put the perfect person for you on your way.


01 / 20 – 02 / 12

You are going to focus your energies and if you have any ailment or health problem you will find a way of healing. It will be a good day to reverse harmful eating habits and carry out a purification of your body. No one can take better care of you than you.


02 / 18 – 03 / 20

Today you will be more emotional, but this will not prevent you from taking Right decisions. Express your feelings because you will get a favorable response and do not be afraid to show yourself as you are. There will be great progress in bonding with your children, if you have them.

It may interest you: September Horoscope 2021: What do the stars bring this month for your sign of the Zodiac?