Wednesday, July 3

Second Stimulus Check in California: Groups Eligible for Financial Support

Para recibir el segundo cheque de estímulo deberás haber sido residente de California durante al menos la mitad del año 2020.
To receive the second stimulus check, you must have been a California resident for at least half the year 2020.

Photo: Alexsander – 777 / Pixabay

In July the California Congress approved a bill that will allow sending a second round of stimulus checks starting this Friday 27 from August , although most support will arrive between September 1 and 15 October according to the Franchise Tax Board.

The second California stimulus check will only go to people who did not receive support during the first cycle .

Governor Gavin Newsom has insisted that the second check should cover the 78% of taxpayers and that will benefit two out of every three residents .

The groups you will receive n the second stimulus check

In order to qualify for this second round of the California stimulus check, residents must meet different requirements to receive the $ 600 Dollars.

Requirements to receive the second stimulus check in California:

  • Have a Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) less than $ 75, 000 Dollars for the fiscal year 2020
  • Have been a resident of the state for at least half the year 2021.
  • Be a state resident on the date the paychecks are issued .
  • Not having been claimed as a dependent by any other family member or taxpayer , “dependent” refers to any qualifying child or relative.
  • before the 15 October 2021 .

Related: Stimulus check in California: calculate how much money you will receive

However, are also excluded from the paycheck those people whose income comes from any other aid , including unemployment, disability insurance (SDI), Veterans Administration disability insurance, Social Security, Supplemental Security Income (SSI), State Supplemental Payment (SSP), Cash for Immigrants (CAPI) and CalWorks.

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