Tuesday, October 8

Kamala Harris has the lowest acceptance among the last five US vice presidents.

Kamala Harris, la primera mujer VP en la historia de EE.UU.
Kamala Harris, the first female VP in US history

Photo: Ken Cedeno / EPA / EFE

Kamala Harris, who in January became the highest political ranking woman in US history, is having a low level of acceptance not seen among any of the vice presidents of the last almost three decades.

Going back 28 years in the surveys of NBC, No other new vice president had had a lower popularity in their first year at the position.

In the latest poll, pollster Bill McInturff noted that the former California Senator from 56 years old was 36% acceptance and 46% of rejection, commenting that it is a “very negative rating without precedent in the follow-up from @N surveys BCNews ”.

The survey placed Harris, who just completed a tour of Asia, below former Vice Presidents Al Gore (D), Dick Cheney (R), Joe Biden (D) and Mike Pence (R). He also has the largest gap of “positive total” versus “negative total” with minus 9 points. For comparison, the Cheney gap was 23 positive points, still being highly criticized at the time.

McInturff also highlighted the gap of minus 17 points between opinion “very positive” (18%) versus “very negative” ( 36%) of the vice president given by the respondents, almost tripling the next worst, the 6 negative points of Biden in the first year of the Obama administration (2009).

“Since taking office, Harris has had trouble emerging. He has been entrusted with the job of fixing immigration (…) and promoting electoral reform, but both are stagnant, ”he wrote on Wednesday in Washington Examiner columnist Paul Bedard.

Biden has also suffered a drop in popularity in recent weeks. According to analysts, this is due to the rebound in the coronavirus, inflation and, now, the chaotic withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan.

Popularity of US Vice Presidents since 1993.

How bad for Dems? Biden receives his highest “very negative” rating in 17 years of tracking on @NBCNews . New reality in the post-Trump era, much higher negative intensity than pre-Trump presidents. pic.twitter.com/btMZsFtbjT

– Bill McInturff (@pollsterguy) August 25, 2021

VP Harris has lowest feeling thermometer of any first year VP going back to Gore in 1993… with an unprecedented “very negative” rating on @ NBCNews survey tracking. pic.twitter.com/Ii3AlR5EZ2

– Bill McInturff (@pollsterguy) August 25, 2021