Saturday, June 29

Irina Baeva responds without filters to questions about Geraldine Bazán and Gabriel Soto's alleged infidelity

This Friday afternoon Irina Baeva was honest with her 3.3 million Instagram followers, whom He answered some questions about his private life, and as rarely, he dared to reply to the most uncomfortable doubts about his relationship with Gabriel Soto and the alleged infidelity suffered by Geraldine Bazán .

It was thanks to a question and answer session, where the actress of Russian origin shared an afternoon with her loyal fans, however, some detractors who questioned her were also added about her future wedding and the rumors that marked her as the third in contention in the marriage of Bazán and Soto.

And it is that, in one of the uncomfortable questions he was again the target of the attacks, since a user alluded to the fact that will not be able to marry the telenovela gallant in the church because of how complicated ue is the Catholic marriage annulment.

“Are you aware that Geraldine will always be the wife before God and you will only be a free p @ & $?”, They asked.

So the villain of ‘The Dragon’ tried to downplay these types of attacks:

And from what I see, it takes away your sleep. Blessings“.

With this reaction she showed once again that she is not careful about these types of messages and that she is even used to receiving them so she knows how to respond elegantly to attacks.

But the ruthless questions did not stop, since she was also forced to confess that she fully trusts her future husband and is not afraid that he will be unfaithful, as it was rumored to have started their romance.

“Aren’t you afraid that Gabriel will be unfaithful to you? How did she do it with you? ”

Where she wrote:“ No, I’m not scared. I fully trust him. For me, every relationship is based on trust and if there were not, there would be no point in continuing “.

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