Monday, July 1

Daniela, daughter of Héctor Parra, tells with emotion how she found her father in prison

On the verge of tears, Daniela Parra shared how she found her father, Héctor Parra , during his most recent visit to him in the Oriente prison in Mexico City.

One of the scandals that continues to give people something to talk about is the case of actor Héctor Parra, who has been under investigation since last June due to a complaint filed by his daughter Alexa Parra, who accuses him of having raped her during her childhood .

Although so far there is no date to know the results of the investigation, the one who has come out to defend him at all costs is his eldest daughter, Daniela. And it was precisely during her most recent visit to the prison, where the young woman recounted how her emotional encounter was .

I saw it they already locked him up again, it feels really ugly. Seeing him, when he sees me, changes his face. Seeing each other feeds our soul a lot. I miss him a lot, and seeing him makes me miss him more outside “, said Daniela Parra in an interview with the program ‘Hoy’ after he left the men’s prison.

The young woman was optimistic and assured through tears that, despite the difficult time they are going through, seeing her father well gives her the strength to continue fighting and demonstrate that he is not guilty of the crimes that they accuse him.

“I see that it is well and I am also well. We are a team as I have said, if he is well inside, I’m well outside ”, he added.

Daniela also said Be grateful for the good treatment your father is receiving, since the people with whom he shares his stay, as well as his relatives, have helped him. Likewise, he showed the letter that Héctor Parra wrote him, where the phrase can be read: “ You are the best “.

In this regard, he explained that each time they have, they exchange details that have become an incentive: “ I also give him letters and we fill ourselves with letters “.

Finally, the young woman remembered the sale of tamales that she organized for the weekend that is about to start, where she hopes to raise funds to cover her father’s expenses while he remains in prison .

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