Friday, July 5

Carolina Sandoval is surprised in a robe by a person who was cleaning the windows in her room!

Carolina Sandoval. Foto: Gustavo Caballero/Getty Images
Carolina Sandoval. Photo: Gustavo Caballero / Getty Images

Photo: Gustavo Caballero / Getty Images

Carolina Sandoval has had a great scare that almost led her to faint while she was inside her hotel room in the city of Chicago.

The former television presenter is traveling with her Bárbara Camila and a friend, as she has gone to help her settle in her university dormitory, as her daughter is about to start this stage in her life and although she has commented has had some problems with seeing her leave has to be strong and assimilate this detachment in his life.

For the above “ La Venenosa ” was in her hotel room enjoying her rich breakfast with her daughter, He was wearing a towel on his head and his comfortable dressing gown, when the presence of a worker cleaning the windows took him completely by surprise, but he has was even more shocked that you could see in!

Imagine being having breakfast in your room on one of the highest floors of the hotel where are you staying and a superhero appears through your window “, expressed the businesswoman to her millions of Instagram followers where she shared the surprising video.

If it wasn’t for her friend who came out of the shower and screamed, they wouldn’t have noticed, “ We almost pissed ourselves off laughing just thinking that my friend came out of the bathroom in another way as usual when one comes from the bathroom and our ‘spider man’ saw her “, he continued recounting the funny but unexpected experience.

Without a doubt, the trio of women had an adventure that they will not forget for a long time, “ Truly this experience has been unforgettable EVERYTHING … Has it ever happened to you that the hotel where you They are so clean, but so good that they even send him to clean the windows to confirm that the service is unbeatable? “, the Venezuelan concluded between many laughs.