Sunday, October 6

The number of US soldiers killed rises to 13 and the number of wounded in attacks in Afghanistan rises to 18

Voluntarios transportaron a los heridos a un hospital en Kabul.
Volunteers transported the injured to a hospital in Kabul.

Photo: WAKIL KOHSAR / AFP / Getty Images



WASHINGTON – The United States Army raised this Thursday to 13 the death toll already 18 the number of wounded among US soldiers by attacks by the Islamic State (ISIS) against the Kabul airport, which has been attributed to the terrorist group Islamic State ( ISIS).

This was reported by the spokesman for the US Central Command. (CENTCOM), Captain Bill Urban, in a statement. Previously, the US authorities had indicated that there were 12 deceased uniformed officers and 15 wounded.

Urban explained that the death toll increased after the death due to the injuries sustained by one of the soldiers during the explosion, which occurred next to one of the entrances to the airport, the so-called Abbey Gate.

Added that the injured are in the process of being medically evacuated from Afghanistan in a C plane – 17 equipped for this type of case and that it has surgical units.

From Kabul, Afghan official sources said that there were more than 54 deceased and others 140 injured by the double attack, although they did not specify if the Americans were among those victims.

Earlier, CENTCOM chief General Kenneth McKenzie explained at a press conference at the Pentagon that Two ISIS suicide bombers detonated the bomb vests that were attached to his body outside the airport.

One of the devices was detonated near the Baron Hotel, near the airport, and the other exploded at one of the access gates of the airfield, in whose surroundings there were thousands of Afghan citizens trying to enter the airport to leave the country on flights from international evacuation.

Once the explosions occurred, “ISIS fighters opened fire on civilians and military forces” in the area, said the General.

It is the first time that military forces of E USA in Afghanistan since February 2020, when two American soldiers were killed.

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