Friday, September 20

Venus in Libra: love, romance and dating, what awaits each zodiac sign

From 16 and until 10 September, Venus will be in Libra , a transit that astrologers stand out for favoring love, romance and quotes. The second planet closest to the sun feels comfortable in the sign of the scale being its ruler , so the romantic energies are more efficient.

This is the perfect time for all the signs of the Zodiac to strengthen their love ties with the couple , especially if they have had a difficult summer. “Venus in Libra can really help us regain balance and regain magic,” astrologer Narayana Montúfar explained to Refinery 29.

Singles will also be feeling the effervescence of Venus in Libra. may find romances and adventures easily as it will activate their charming nature.

But not only romance will be at its best during this period. Astrologers say it is a good time to encourage relationships with friends, family and co-workers . This planetary location reminds that in this life you have to enjoy and experiment.

However, specialists call to have limits in the midst of all this fun because they runs the risk of making purchases that go beyond our finances. “Spend within your means, even if you have champagne cravings and caviar dreams,” recommended astrologer Lisa Stardust.

On September 5 Venus will be crashing with Pluto , a planetary aspect that can be difficult to live with when it comes to love, sex and money. Bring out the darker side in these topics like jealousy, manipulation, and obsession.

The suggestion is to take a logical approach, relax, and let the energy of Venus in Libra let us guide along romantic and positive paths.

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