Monday, September 23

The 7 laws of the universe that you should know: the impact they have on your life

Las 7 leyes del universo que debes conocer: el impacto que tienen en tu vida
The universe is governed by 7 universal principles.

Photo: Emilio Garcia / Unsplash

In life, just as there are physical laws, there are also those that govern the spiritual, emotional and mental plane. These are known as the laws of the universe .

Also known as the 7 universal principles have their origin in the hermetic wisdom of ancient Egypt and are attributed to the legendary Egyptian philosopher Hermes Trismegisto , who lived in year 2, 000 BC

The doctrines of this thinker spread to the Middle East and the Mediterranean, for what Chinese and Greek philosophers were influenced by his knowledge.

Many doctrines are governed by these laws, from the Christian commandments to the great Chinese proverbs . The general concept is that its power helps humanity not to give up and be stronger every day, according to specialized sites.

The principles on which are based are : all that exists is energy, they exist and work at all times and they all run in parallel, that is, if you ignore one law, you ignore all the others.

These laws cannot be changed or annulled, their application in life will help our development and spiritual growth.

The 7 laws of the universe are as follows:

1. Law of Mentalism: everything is in the mind

This principle is what allows the application of all other laws , indicates that everything in the universe is consciousness. We perceive the world according to our thoughts, that is, to do anything in your life you must first think about it

2. Correspondence Law: as above is below, as below is above

Basically, it indicates that everything that we believe internally manifests externally. It is also known as the “law of attraction” and indicates that if you want to change something, you must first think about it, focus it within yourself.

3. Law of Vibration: Everything is in motion

This principle is that everything in the universe has its own frequency. Thoughts, like words, have a vibration. That is why everything that comes to your mind has the potential to become reality.

4 . Law of Polarity: everything has opposite poles

In the universe everything is dual . For there to be harmony a balance is needed, black and white are actually the same and one could not live without the other. We can all move between good and bad, however, the real challenge is to adjust our vibration.

5. Law of Rhythm: everything has an ascending and descending period

It is clearly applied in any aspect of life . Inhale and exhale, be born and die, dawn and dusk, etc. In the universe, everything follows a natural cycle, so we must not adapt to the rhythm of others, but understand that we have our own rhythm.

6. Law of Cause and Effect: everything has a consequence

This law is the best known for being the that is associated with karma . It indicates that all our actions, including thoughts, have a consequence. Acting with the desired effects in mind is the basis of life.

7. Gender Law: the masculine and the feminine

The last law indicates that within the whole there are masculine qualities and feminine. To achieve harmony, both forces must be balanced.

It may interest you: The 12 Laws of Karma: the key to discovering how it works