Tuesday, September 17

“Pain without End”, the new single by Camila Sodi that she wrote after experiencing a love disappointment

“Dolor sin Fin”, el nuevo sencillo de Camila Sodi que escribió tras vivir una decepción amorosa
Camila Sodi premieres the single “Pain without end”.

Photo: Archive / Ángel Delgado / Reforma Agency

Each song has a story, a feeling, a memory or some other source of inspiration behind it.

In the case of “Dolor sin Fin”, the new single by Camila Sodi , there is a lack of love, a catharsis and the reference to a revered movie.

At the beginning of the year they broke my heart quite hard, had a score, I wrote. I made this song . I have always made music, but I have not shared it. The last thing was from a very ‘dark’ moment that I lived with Ella and El Muerto (duet with Saúl ‘El Muerto’ Ledesma). They are like small pieces of art that I like to take out… Then I continued with the performance, where it started to go well for me. I was returning from the calls, I started playing the piano for my friends and that’s how the song came out “, Camila spoke on the telephone link.

The actress and model collaborated with Ulises Lozano, Kinky keyboardist and music producer, to make the song that premiered on Friday on musical platforms and which will be the first of an album he plans release next year.

And although she declined to reveal the name of who inspired her to translate her love disappointment into text and melody, she did share how she feels about it now.

“It is a fact that the perspective has changed, and when you start to develop a project it is not necessarily with that somebody. Yes, it started with someone, but the end is another. Moreover, the emotion, the expression of pain … it is super satisfactory to use art as catharsis , as means of expression ”, he reflected.

Protagonist of the most recent version of the melodrama ‘Rubí’ and interpreter of Érika Camil in ‘Luis Miguel, La Series’, Camila mentioned the film “Eternal Radiance of a Mind Without Memories” as an inspiration for the visual concept of the cut, including the images he made with the twin sister of Julieta Venegas , Yvonne.

“ It has a lot to do with it because is the sensation of trying to remember someone, of treating someone, and when you try to remember it in some way, it is erased and you get the memories you need or when you need them. So you have your own version of events, what’s on your mind, what you think happened, and we wanted it to stay like this: chasing something that you hardly remember anymore and don’t let it go. The emotional dichotomy that is present there ”, he indicated.

Along with his collaborations in recent years with Sandoval, Radaid and The Wookies, Diego Luna’s former partner has evolved in his way of perceiving music.

In addition to feeling the piano as the instrument that best suits him, he also sees it as obsolete to consider that there is competition between artists within musical platforms . For her, all musicians are allies.

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