Friday, September 20

For a data breach complaint to users, T-Mobile conducts an investigation that can have million-dollar consequences

Por queja de violación de datos a usuarios T-Mobile realiza investigación que puede traer consecuencias millonarias
The telecommunications company is in the eye of the hurricane due to these signs.

Photo: Bruce Bennett / Getty Images

T-Mobile is investigating a claim in an online forum post that claims the personal data of more than 100 millions of users and this information is in the hands of a hacker, the company reported.

According to Reuters, the T-Mobile spokesman told the news agency that “we are aware of the claims made in a clandestine forum and have been actively investigating their validity. We do not have any additional information to share at this time. ”

Vice, a digital media outlet based in the United States, first reported the reports of a data breach. According to Reuters it has not been able to verify the veracity of the forum’s publication .

According to the Motherboard report of Vice, the forum post does not mention T-Mobile, but the hacker exposed Vice that they obtained data from more than 100 million people and that the data came from T-Mobile’s servers .

The data included information such as social security numbers, phone numbers, names, physical addresses and driver’s license information, the report added.

In the online forum, the hacker requests 6 bitcoins for a subset of the data that contains 30 millions of social security numbers and driver’s licenses, while the rest of the data is sold privately, according to the Vice report.

Meanwhile, Gizmodo reported that the hacker who allegedly has the data of the 100 million T-Mobile customers in the United States, is selling access to some of the information for approximately $ 277, 000 dollars.

When contacted by the media, the hacker said in an online chat that several T-Mobile servers had compromised and had “complete customer information.” They claim that the data includes social security numbers, phone numbers, names, physical addresses, unique IMEI numbers, and driver’s license information.

If confirmed, the breach would spell another cybersecurity blow to the company, which has been hit by multiple attacks that resulted in data breaches in recent years. Last February, T-Mobile said it had been hacked after an undisclosed number of customers suffered SIM swapping attacks.

Apart from what happened with T-Mobile, many companies, especially technology companies, have been indicated by issues related to the security and privacy of users, a subject that has been touched by the US authorities.

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