Monday, September 23

A karmic bond is the energy that connects you with people or places: the importance of identifying them

Have you ever felt that you have a special bond with people or places? That connection is not necessarily positive, it can generate feelings that do not let you grow or advance. In spiritual currents this is known as a karmic bond .

To describe it simply, it is as if it were an invisible cord that binds you energetically with someone or something and generates dependence or fear towards them.

Karma is the universal energy that is a consequence of our actions and thoughts. This concept has its origin in Hindu and Buddhist religions where there is the belief that the soul is capable of reincarnation and the acts we committed in past lives still influence our present .

Karmic ties are born from loving connections, promises, pacts or oaths that we take in the past or present . For example, when you swear eternal love . The word and our thoughts have more power than we could imagine, so care must be taken in what we wish and decree, specialized sites explain.

Not all karmic ties are the same. The first step to cutting them off is identifying what type they are.

Types of energy ties

It is important to identify them because it can create emotional dependence and form a toxic bond. There are two types in general:

Karmic bond with a person : you feel attachment or dependence for a particular person almost obsessively, it is In other words, emotional dependence is created. It can also work the opposite, you feel the need to overprotect someone or you think that their well-being is your responsibility.

It is common to have karmic ties in love and you notice it when your life revolves around to a person, regardless of whether you have other relationships, so it is likely that they will not let you advance in your romantic life.

Karmic bond with a place : is when you feel attached to a house, a city or any specific space. You cannot get out of there even though apparently nothing connects you there. You feel sadness, nostalgia, feelings that prevent you from moving forward.

How to cut a karmic bond

To break a karmic bond one must be aware of the spiritual attachment to the person or place and, secondly, carry out an energetic procedure such as:

Decrees : These powerful phrases can help to remove the karmic connection towards someone or something. For example “I forgive you, I forget you and I let you go” or “I cancel the pact with any negative energy that feeds on this bond.”

Visualization : consists of doing a simple meditation and when you feel relaxed, imagine that person or place and visualize that you send a ray of light, you enclose it in a sphere and cut the tie that binds it to you.

Quartz : Quartz have the power to transmute energies. Use the one dictated by your intuition and imagine that it is a sword and you cut a loop that comes out of your chest or heart. You can accompany this act by repeating the phrase 7 times: “I cut and I release you. Now I am free and you are free. ”

It may interest you : Prayers to purify negative karma: remove the burdens of the past