Monday, September 23

6 types of people who are energy vampires: how to prevent them from “stealing” your energy

6 tipos de personas que son vampiros energéticos: cómo evitar que “roben” tu energía
There are people who increase their energy to consist of yours.

Photo: Alex Iby / Unsplash

Vampires or energy thieves are people with low vibrational frequency who they use those around them to increase it, consciously or unconsciously. If when you live with someone you are exhausted, tired or even stressed, it is because, most likely, you are in front of one of them.

All people we have an energy field or an energetic vibration that fluctuates according to our mood. If we go through moments of uncertainty our frequency is low, if we enjoy prosperity or we are spiritually balanced souls, we will have a high frequency.

However, there are those who predominantly are in a state of negativity and help each other to feel better . It certainly does not mean that energy vampires have a procedure to “absorb” your energy or consciously “steal” it. They probably don’t know they are energy thieves.

The term “vampires” or “energy thieves” is used to easily describe how they work. They act consciously when are vulnerable, want to attract attention, want someone else to solve their problems or suffer like them to feel better . They develop unconsciously when they are immersed in negative moods and exert their influence without realizing it.

How to recognize energy vampires

Most energy vampires are people that we know, be it family, friends or even the couple. How to recognize them? You will most likely identify them once they “steal” your energy. According to sites like Harmonia and El Tarot de Cristina, the symptoms that reveal that someone increases their vibrational frequency to consist of yours are:

Bad mood : when you are in the presence of a person who just by looking at them puts you in a bad mood.

Sensation from tiredness : while meeting her, for some reason you feel sleepy, tired, dejected and listless.

Impotence : no matter how hard you try to raise the encouragement, that person is not left, which makes you feel powerless.

Low self-esteem : for some reason you feel less physically, emotionally and psychologically. This is because their negativity overwhelms you.

Feeling of deception : your intuition will indicates that something with this person is not right and you feel that they are not being totally honest.

6 types of people who are energy vampires.

There are attitudes in people that help you identify if they are energy vampires. The ones that stand out the most are:

1. The bully : shows contempt, rejection and is sarcastic. They highlight your weaknesses to feel better and they love to humiliate others.

2. The victim : they are people whose life they believe is a tragedy. They think that nobody suffers as much as they do and they only see the negative side of things. They behave like martyrs.

3. The Flatter : His flattery is so extreme that it becomes sarcastic. They are charming guys who hide their true intentions.

4. The conflictive : they are people who are always on the defensive, they are not responsible for their actions and they justify themselves all the time. They are experts in causing tension.

5. The insecure : they speak of themselves as perfect people, they have lived and been through everything, they have “friends” or acquaintances of all kinds, they are talkative and blame others for their failures. They use these mechanisms to hide their insecurities.

6. The critic : they are people who question everything, point out the mistakes of others and scold everyone, but do not realize their own faults or failures.

If you recognize an energy vampire , the solution is not always to get away from it. Experts in channeling energy recommend, every time you talk to one of them, stay positive , don’t let him engulf you in his negative conversation, focus on the good things, and don’t be patronizing. Remember that all people have problems and are capable of solving them.

It may interest you: How to identify if you have a high vibration and what to do to increase it