Tuesday, October 1

Mexican player was the victim of scornful shouts from Orlando City fans

Jugador mexicano fue víctima de los gritos despectivos por parte de los aficionados de Orlando City
Santos beat the United States team by the minimum and advanced to the semifinals of the Leagues Cup.

Photo: Douglas P. DeFelice / Getty Images

Mexican fans have been questioned and criticized constantly to express the so-called homophobic scream in matches by El Tri and the Aztec teams . This is an act that has cost sanctions to the Mexican Football Federation . However, in the match between Orlando City and Santos Laguna , it was a Mexican who received the insults against him: Gibrán Lajud .

Starting minute 80 , the discriminatory cry began to be heard against the archer of the Aztec team . They even invited fans to refrain from this type of act through the loudspeakers. However, the spectators ignored the request and continued with the shouting.

The matches in which the Aztec fans have carried out this type of act, the referees have seen in the obligation to paralyze the match. However, this time there was no measure for Orlando City fans.

So far it is unknown if the events generated in this duel of the Leagues Cup, will entail any type of sanction for the institution. Federation and Mexican clubs have paid the consequences after the scornful shouts and under these circumstances expects the United States as a whole to be measured by the same yardstick.

The cry will never be eradicated in the United States while Mexico or be with an unfavorable score. They even do it with courage pic.twitter.com/pX1yqxrBEG

– THE WATEVER (@werevertumorro) July 11, 2021

Lajud spoke of the shout after the match

“(The cry) is something that the soccer authorities, the leaders of the Mexican league and Concacaf have intervened. FIFA has tried to eradicate it , but the reality is that one as a player and goalkeeper during the game many times does not listen, does not pay attention to those details that happen in the stands. The reality is that we have to support and ask the fans not to do it or continue to express it. That they go to the court, that they shout, that they support, but always and respectfully ”, concluded the player in a press conference after the game.

The first thing they say to them and the first thing they do 😤

The game between Mexico and the United States stops due to the homophobic scream of the fans 🤬 pic.twitter.com/fYoRzo3opO

– Universal Deportes (@UnivDeportes) June 7, 2021

With a goal from Juan Ferney Otero, Santos beat Orlando City 0-1 and advance to the semifinals of the Leagues Cup. His next opponent will be Seattle Sounders, a team that eliminated Tigres with a 3-0 win.

You can also interest:

Video: Andrés Guardado and his “homophobic cry” that is giving something to talk about

Mexico in the crosshairs: Concacaf admitted its disappointment at the “homophobic cry” in the Gold Cup and warned sanctions

The punishment came: FIFA fined Mexico for the indiscipline of the fans