Tuesday, October 8

Joe Biden calls a virtual summit of the world's democracies for December

Joe Biden convoca para diciembre a una cumbre virtual de las democracias del mundo
Joe Biden calls a virtual summit of the leaders of the world’s democracies.

Photo: Alex Wong / Getty Images

President Joe Biden called this Wednesday a virtual summit for December of the leaders of the world’s democracies to confront authoritarianism, in the midst of the struggle against the coronavirus pandemic.

The White House reported in a statement that the summit will be held on December 9 and 11 , and which will revolve around three main themes: the defense against authoritarianism, the fight against corruption and the promotion of respect for human rights.

After this meeting, Joe Biden will once again invite world leaders and after a year of consultations to see the “progress made with their commitments.”

The White House added that both s appointments will be invited heads of state, civil society, philanthropists and leaders of the private sector.

The US Government wants those meetings serve as an opportunity for world leaders to listen to each other and their citizens, share their successes and carry out international collaboration.

In addition, he wants them to speak “honestly” about the challenges facing democracy to strengthen collectively the basis for its renewal.

With the celebration of these two summits, Joe Biden intends to fulfill a foreign policy promise made during his electoral campaign for the presidential elections of last November that the US would spearhead international efforts to fight corruption, and defend against authoritarianism and in favor of the human rights.

In his note, the to the White House recalled that the president of The United States has returned to its country’s traditional allies and has encouraged the international community to address human rights abuses, the pandemic and the climate crisis.

With information from Efe.

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