Tuesday, October 8

Jennifer Aniston and David Schwimmer, love rumors on the doorstep: why Aquarius and Scorpio are attracted to each other

Jennifer Aniston y David Schwimmer, rumores de amor en puerta: por qué Acuario y Escorpio se sienten atraídos uno por el otro
Jennifer Aniston and David Schwimmer are astrologically compatible.

Photo: Chris Weeks / Liaison / Getty Images

Jennifer Aniston and David Schwimmer sparked romance rumors after the reunion of “Friends”. Fans of the series see an intense chemistry between “Rachel” and “Ross” and dream May this love jump from fiction to reality According to astrology, there is a strong reason to believe it.

One of the couples of the Zodiac with the greatest compatibility is the one made up of Aquarius and Scorpio . They cannot deny the strong attraction that they feel for each other, and precisely the signs of Aniston and Schwimmer are Aquarius and Scorpio, respectively.

On paper both signs are totally different. Scorpio is emotional, deep and curious, while Aquarius idealistic, social and independent. A couple made up of these two seems strange, but if they have something in common, it is their will. This attribute can help them get what they want.

By love they are able to be cooperative and leave their stubbornness behind. Scorpio can be very possessive for an independent Aquarius, but it is possible let this turn into support and a sense of security.

While there is a natural attraction to their significant differences, when things start to turn out complicate. An Aquarius woman is strong and will not allow herself to be manipulated by a rough-tempered man like Scorpio . When the scorpion stops wanting to control the Aquarian woman is when passion is unleashed, explain sites specialized in astrology such as Astrology.com and Guy Counseling.

If they work together, a deep and lasting bond is born. Both of them quickly understand the dynamics of their relationship, but they must give themselves time and space for the connection to strengthen, otherwise, they run the risk of becoming toxic couples, astrologers refer.

However, on the sexual plane is where they find their main attraction . Pluto, the planet of mystery, infuses Scorpio with a magnetic energy that for many cannot go unnoticed. Aquarius is not intimidated by the sexual personality of scorpions, they even see it as challenging.

The encounters in the bedroom are often long and passionate because both of you step out of your comfort zone. Scorpio, being intuitive, can read what Aquarius thinks and feels, so it fully satisfies him.

Another coincidence between these signs is their level Intelligence. Aquarius focuses on the present and the future, so it constantly analyzes what its possibilities are and how it can develop those changes. Scorpio thinks in a similar way, only on a deeper level.

When they talk, they find common ground and in disagreements they see that the weakness of one is offset by the strength of the other.

In conclusion, the signs of Jennifer Aniston and David Schwimmer are compatible in the plane sexual and intellectual and if they work together they can form a solid relationship. The rumors that point to their courtship are astrologically based on a natural chemistry that is noticeable in the series, but only they are the ones who can confirm it, or deny it.

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