Saturday, September 28

Rebecca de Alba is recovering from COVID-19 and they assure that she could leave the hospital in the next few days

The host of “MasterChef Celebrity México”, Rebecca de Alba , recovers from COVID – 19 and the doctors who treat her believe that next Wednesday she could be discharged.

A source close to the Zacatecan driver revealed that, fortunately, her health did not deteriorate and, on the contrary, she was evolving satisfactorily every day.

De Alba , de 56 years, it was infected in the outbreak that was recently in the recordings of the TV Azteca reality show, which will premiere on next 20 August.

It was the journalist Norberto Campos who confirmed that the presenter was admitted to a hospital : “I tell you from a very good source that Rebecca de Alba is hospitalized with pneumonia , she did not want to get a COVID vaccine and there the consequences. Let’s hope he recovers soon. ”

Although the recordings were stopped for a few days and more tests were applied to the rest of the participants, chef José Ramón Castillola came out positive, as did the actress Paty Navidad, who days later spoke out in networks denying the existence of the disease.

Both, according to spokespersons for The television station has not presented major complications due to the disease.

Even though it is not scheduled when the recordings will resume, the production headed by Ángel Aponte maintains its release date, confident in that with the chapters that they already have as backup, they will be enough to give the infected time to return to the set.

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