Thursday, September 19

Remmy Valenzuela frees jail after paying $ 5,000 to people he brutally beat

Remmy Valenzuela libra la cárcel tras pagar $5 mil dólares a las personas que golpeó brutalmente
Remmy Valenzuela.

Photo: Archive / Diego Gallegos / Agencia Reforma

After he was accused of brutally beating his cousin and his girlfriend last June, it was finally revealed that Remmy Valenzuela reached an economic agreement with his victims, with which would have freed jail .

Remigio Alejandro Valenzuela Buelna, the artist’s real name, was pointed out by Carlos Armando and Katy Aracely of beating them apparently for no reason, however, after remaining missing for several months, the couple granted their aggressor pardon after receive the amount of $ 5 thousand dollars .

It was in the program El Gordo y la Flaca where it was announced that the singer was released from the charges presented for brutally attacking his cousin and his girlfriend, after his lawyers They will provide an economic compensation of $ 5,000 dollars for each one, where a confidentiality agreement .

As revealed in the Univison program, the interpreter of “Mi Princesa” was never summoned to testify before the authorities of the state of Sinaloa, where the complaint was filed, as the victims’ lawyer reached an agreement with the singer’s lawyer, in addition to that the crime he was charged with, which was attempted femicide and intentional injuries, was only changed to domestic violence and injuries , which did not merit imprisonment.

Let us remember that it was on June 6 when the singer’s cousin denounced through social networks that Remmy hit and lacerated him and his girlfriend . According to the statements of the victims, Valenzuela was enraged when he saw Katy, whom he considered a stranger, inside his “El Campito” ranch, located in Guasave, Sinaloa, which is why he attacked them on several occasions.

Remigio began to scold me, I noticed that he was irritable or angry . I started doing chores: watering the bushes, feeding the dogs, things like that so he could see me doing something, went to my room and that’s when I heard my girlfriend scream. He has been dragging her by the hair, hitting her against the railing with the same hand “, he explained during an interview with the program Suelta La Sopa.

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