Friday, September 20

New financing plan for parks in low-income neighborhoods in San Diego, California

Nuevo plan de financiamiento para parques en barrios de pocos recursos en San Diego, California
San Diego will adjust its Park Plan to benefit the most needy areas.

Photo: Photo by Kaboompics .com on Pexels / Pexels

The city of San Diego, in California, has made an adjustment in its park plan that as of today has 65 years old your financing formula . With the adjustment and a new formula, the neighborhoods with fewer resources will benefit the most.

This was reported by municipal authorities, who accepted that the “master plan for parks” of 1956 should definitely be replaced. From that date to today 2021 , San Diego has added 1 million inhabitants so the construction and space has varied enough.

The new formula attempts to resolve the inequalities that previously existed for financing the parks of the city. This has resulted in some neighborhoods having sufficient funds for the creation of better quality recreational spaces, while other neighborhoods barely have the budget to have some and less complete parks.

It is planned to review the way in which the rates paid by developers who build houses and that in turn help to finance parks in the area.

This formula what left was. the construction of parks in an unfair way. Well, where it was built the most, probably because there was more money, it obviously had many parks. What did not happen in poor areas where hardly any developer wanted to invest and build.

The construction of parks in San Diego is so uneven, that statistics indicate that in the last 10 years the 80% of the rates of urbanization rates for parks is in the north of the city . And the south of the city has fewer parks, fewer services and less security.

During the pandemic and with the closure of many activities due to COVID – 19, the local authorities understood how vital and necessary a park is in a neighborhood. For both adults and children.

“Our current standard has only worked for the richest and newest communities in our city,” said the authority local Vivian Moreno.

Therefore, now we are going to talk about “uniform rates ”And not specific rates. This new formula will send the 80 by percent of citywide rates to those areas that have been flagged as park deficient. They will be the new “communities of interest” in the next 5 years.

These types of rates range between $ 6, 600 and $ 18, 000 dollars for housing construction, but if developers build a municipal park then they only pay the 08% of the municipal fund rates.

On the other hand, it was previously required 2.8 acres of parks for every 1, 000 inhabitants; but now the new regulation is 100 park value points for every 1, 000 inhabitants.

This park plan was approved by a majority, although there were opponents who considered that the “growing” areas continue to need new parks.

The San Diego park system comprises 42, 000 acres, including 58 recreation centers, 17 dog parks, 13 swimming parks, 10 skating, 3 golf and 4 nature and visitor centers.