Friday, September 20

The women of the Zodiac with the most feminine intuition: their sixth sense could surprise you

Las mujeres del Zodiaco con más intuición femenina: su sexto sentido podría sorprenderte
Cancer, Sagittarius and Pisces are the most intuitive women.

Photo: Anastasia Shuraeva / Pexels

While we all have the sense of intuition , which is the “Faculty of understanding things instantly, without the need to reason” according to the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE), women would have this more developed quality.

Female intuition is like a hunch that allows them to know or understand things even moments before they happen. For example, when a mother feels that something is not right with her child and later verifies her suspicion.

However, there are women who have your intuition more developed than others and depends on your astrological traits. Cancer, Sagittarius and Pisces are the zodiac signs whose female intuition is above average . From the Nueva Mujer site, they explain why.


Is governed by the Moon , ruling planet of emotions and sensitivity, and its element is water, so it navigates well in the inner world. Cancer is very noticeable and is able to pick up very subtle signals that others cannot. For this reason, he is empathetic and possesses a well-developed protective instinct.


Sagittarius women are imaginative and sensitive to the vibrations of their environment . Your ruling planet is the expansive Jupiter, so your intuition can develop more than average if you work on it. They are good counselors, they build confidence and their optimism feeds their sixth sense.


Neptune, the planet of fantasies, is the ruler of Pisces, the dream sign par excellence. Women with this sign are the most intuitive because easily absorb the energies in their environment . They are the first to notice when something is wrong or there is tension in a room. His sixth sense is very successful, especially when there are loved ones involved.

It may interest you: What are the most intuitive signs of the Zodiac?