Monday, October 28

The moon sign tells you if your relationship is ready to escalate to the next level: the signs

The Moon is the astrological planet of emotions, it represents the most intimate feelings and the way we express ourselves towards ourselves and others. For this reason, your moon sign is the one that guides you when you make important decisions in love and romance , for example, if you feel ready to take your relationship to the next level .

For some astrologers, the moon sign is the one that really matters in love even more than the Sun Sign Compatibility . And it is that the location of the Moon in our natal chart can help us discover how open we are to romance.

In previous posts we have explained how know what your moon sign is . Once you have it clear, check in the following classification, created by the astrologer Lisa Stardust in HelloGiggles, the signals that indicate that you are ready to scale your relationship to the next level .


The Moon in Aries tells you that you will be completely in love when you are with a person who feel the same intensity for life as you. They will both be fiery and fierce.


Those who have their Moon in Taurus are caregivers by nature and when their partner begins to worry about them it is the signal to open their heart and give the next step.


A Moon in Gemini causes you to be very talkative and do not want to have moments of silence in your dates. You will know that a relationship is real and fulfilling when you can be relaxed and comfortable with someone whose non-verbal communication is more important.


The Moon in Cancer encourages sharing emotions. When you see that your partner begins to open up completely with you, it will be time to take it to the next level.


Those who have their Moon in Leo are dramatic in their relationships, But when they start to act more softly and pragmatically with their partner, it means that they are with the right person.


They tend to be overly critical of their couples and only show their more human side with those who matter to them. If you notice this behavior in your relationship, it means that you love and are loved.


In a relationship they are the ones who please, but when they feel the need to balance the scale and want the attention to be reciprocated, it means that they are on the right path.


The green light comes on when you feel like you can trust your partner with anything. While that happens, he behaves observant and stays on the sidelines.


Those who have their Moon in Sagittarius engage in fun and jovial relationships. The couple that appears even in the most difficult moments is the one indicated to formalize.


You don’t usually take a step forward without analyzing how much in common they have in their future. The way your partner handles is important to you, but if he has a good record in love (that is, he has been stable) it is a good sign.


Those who have their Moon in Aquarius are usually escapists of love. When they feel committed they leave immediately, but if they see that their partner is altruistic, cares for others and is kind, they can open their hearts without fear of being hurt.


A Moon in Pisces indicates that you are an extremely intuitive person in love. Your instincts tell you when it is time to move to the next level and if it is time to seek new horizons.

It may interest you: The moon sign tells you which one is your main life challenge: astrologers reveal the keys to face it