Sunday, October 6

After denying that she was infected with COVID-19, Paty Navidad is expelled from Instagram

The actress Patricia Navidad joins the list of celebrities who have tested positive for Coronavirus, as reported The magazine TV Notes, however, the actress went to her social networks to ensure that she is not sick .

Paty Navidad continues to cause controversy for declaring on several occasions that COVID – 19 does not exist and that it is only a plan to manipulate the world population, so after it became known in the Mexican publication that he was infected with the virus during his participation in the Master Chef Celebrity program, the Sinaloan shared a message through his Instagram account.

And it is that, together with an image with the supposed meaning of COVID – 19, where he assured that it is a key that has to do with artificial intelligence, digital identity and vaccination among other things, denied being infected .

“I am completely healthy thank God, do not be fooled. I’m not sick of a New World Order key … I’m completely healthy and without any symptoms of anything. ”

The actress from ‘Because of her, I am Eva’ explained that she accepted the tests to detect the virus because they are currently strictly necessary to work, but reiterated that she is not infected with the virus.

“I respect different thoughts and I have no problem performing protocol tests that are now essential requirements to be able to work , but I definitely think that nobody in the world gets infected with a lethal virus without having a single symptom as they now say it is my case ”, she sentenced at the bottom of the publication. majority.

Following his statements, this Friday 30 of july the bill ‘@patricianavidad’ was removed from this social network, so far the actress of 48 years has not done any statement regarding the possible blocking of your profile.

This page is not available “: is the message that appears when searching for the celebrity’s social profile.

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