Monday, October 7

Why Should I Clean My Car's Injectors Regularly?

Por qué debo limpiar los inyectores de mi auto regularmente
Regular cleaning of the injectors contributes to the smooth running of the engine.

Photo: Andrea Piacquadio / Pexels

Like many of the car’s systems, the injection system needs periodic maintenance to be able to perform at its best . Due to constant use, each of its parts tends to accumulate dirt that comes from the gas tank – which can be washed at home, following a few simple steps – or from the same environment the car is subjected to on a daily basis. That dirt, many times, can clog the injectors, which are small valves that have been designed to feed the engine with the proper fuel flow. But the injectors do not operate by themselves, they need the Engine Control Unit (ECU), an electronic device that tells them what to do and that, in addition , is responsible for various systems associated with the engine, work carried out through sensors .

Foto de las manos de una persona con uno de los inyectores de un auto

The injectors are essential parts for the engine’s combustion process./ Photo: Shutterstock

There are various problems or symptoms in the car that may indicate that the injectors are failing , but most of them are not associated with the replacement of these parts, but with their simple cleaning . As they have a very sensitive and small tip, which is responsible for atomizing or spraying the amount of fuel that passes through it, any rest that gets stuck can decrease its performance and cause the car to begin to show obvious faults:

1. Check Engine light on dash suddenly.

2. Jerks when the car is in full gear for no apparent reason.

3. Loss of engine power while driving.

4. Black smoke coming out of the car’s exhaust system.

5. Strange engine noises while running, even at idle.

6. Fuel leaks, often betrayed by the constant smell of gasoline .

7. Problems when starting the car.

8. Engine speed problems.

9. Sudden engine shutdown.

According to experts, it is best to schedule a cleaning of injectors each 20 or 25 thousand kilometers for ensure its proper functioning , even though the car is not presenting any problem. Developing this habit is necessary because, in addition to the dirt that accumulates with the use of the car, any mixture of gasoline, without Regardless of its octane rating or its quality , it contains residues, such as sand, that do not always stay in the fuel filters or the bottom of the tank and that they can clog the tip of the injectors.

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