Sunday, October 6

Alan Tacher: “The Tacher dynasty is over”

As clear and direct as always, Alan Tacher told his companions of ‘Despierta América’: “The Tacher dynasty is over” … Why? because as we told you last week, on Friday she underwent a vasectomy to avoid having more children .

You know, he already has 5 (three with his first wife, and 2 with his current, Cristy Bernal), for which, as we also told you, d decided to take a brave action and above all with a great degree of empathy, why? Because he wanted to give that gift to his partner .

This week, Alan shared with the public of ‘Despierta América’, in an interview with Raúl González , everything that he experienced prior to the intervention, where his wife Cristy was the one who helped him the most, why? Because he was very nervous, very anxious and he assures that the fact that they let the actress into the office made it easier .

Yes I was nervous, you don’t know what you’re going to face, it’s a very fast operation … They let Cristy in that she helps me a lot in these kinds of situations, there aren’t many instructions, and that makes you nervous too “, said Tacher.

And so it was, they asked him to undress, lay on his back and they gave him two injections. He says that the most impressive thing for him is that he witnessed everything. “ I am surprised that the operation lasts 15 minutes, absolutely nothing was felt “, he continued explaining.

And although he says that a few seconds before starting he asked himself “what am I doing here?”, he feels very proud and happy because, above all things, was a demonstration of love towards his wife .

But, watch out! That is still in a risk zone, not physical but that the sixth child is coming. As explained by a visiting doctor, until the testicle bag is completely emptied of sperm, he is still at risk of getting his wife pregnant because she is still fertile.

So, at two weeks of care without intercourse, you should add a few more until, after conducting a study, it is confirmed that there is no longer sperm production, or the possibility of fertility.

Now back to the show, after a day off he entered assuring that, in addition to feeling good, he said that ‘the Tacher dynasty is over’ … To which Carlos Calderón replied that while Some close the factory, others start, as in your case that you are expecting your first baby .