Friday, September 20

They claim that Larry Ramos tried to commit suicide in front of Ninel Conde so as not to go to jail: “He was approaching the balcony”

Larry Ramos faces charges for allegedly defrauding more than 200 victims , including the singer Alejandra Guzmán and her ex-managers, for a total of $ 22 million dollars, which is why the next August 2. However, rumors have arisen that the singer’s partner tried to take his own life in the face of the desperation that he lives .

According to TVNotas magazine, a few days ago the Colombian businessman had a heated discussion with “El Bombón Asesino” in his luxurious apartment located on the artificial island of Brickell Key, in Florida , where his domiciliary rooting takes place. And according to what an alleged friend of the singer narrated, Larry tried to commit suicide by throwing himself off the balcony.

As detailed in the publication, the couple starred in a strong discussion about the audios that were leaked in some media, where you hear how Larry asks Orianny Acurero, mother of his son, to withdraw the demand for alimony against you, as this could further complicate your legal problems.

When arguing with Ninel for these recordings Larry had a panic attack and later he went into crisis, causing him to run to the balcony saying that he preferred to die.

And it is that, before the possibility of receive a sentence of up to 120 years in jail , Larry insisted that he could no longer , that he did not want to go to prison, much less what to be there forever, so he began to cry desperately and said that he would rather die, that that would be the best for him.

“Larry insisted on talking about death and approached the balcony of the apartment.”

“El Bombón Asesino” lived moments of great anguish and the fright was so great that she was led to think that her husband would throw himself away that she ended up promising him that he would help him, besides that she is afraid that he will involve her in his problems.

“Yes, she is in love and in the end she decided not to turn her back on her; Besides, she is afraid that Larry will involve her if she leaves him alone with this, so she will support him until the end of his process. ”

In the alleged statements, they reveal that Ninel is not the only one who fears for the life of the Colombian of 35 years , since one of his sisters even traveled to Miami to spend a few days with him, as well as other relatives who have had him under surveillance fearing the worst.

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